memslave128 by Rabenauge [web]
_.___ _._ _.____. _.____. _._ ._\|_ /___. _.____._/ |/___. _._ _ ___\|_ | _.____._\|_ | _._ _ _/ |/_____. | _/ |_\|_ | _ |/ |/____. / |_\|_ | / |/_|/____. _/ | |_ \ | / | \ | _/ | / | / | / | \_ | \ _| /__\_____| _ |________| \ |_/_____| _ |_______| / |__\____\ - -diP-/_____\____|-----/______\____|----/_____\____|----/___________|---aSL- - -rab-rab-rab- This is the C128 port of memslave. Originally it's a part of over5 ( Look there for more infos. The C128 version is done by Bodo^Rabenauge And there is an additional pro version which is reset proof and the F1-key is set to sys dec("2400") So you can press RUNSTOP-RESTORE after the your software was transferred to the C128 and start it when the start is at $2400, by pressing the F1-Key. I tested it with Win10 and Linux in combination with some C128s. It was released at our coding weekend in Berlin! Have fun! -rab-rab-rab- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - w w w . r a b e n a u g e . c o m | | | ||| | | | logo by dipswitch/aerosol
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