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SATplayer v1.0 by Acme

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SATplay v1.0, (c) Copyright 1993 by Lone Ranger/AcmE.
SBI2INS included in file.

Hello again..

This AdLib player plays .SAT files created with Surprise! Productions Adlib
Tracker by Rick Dangerous/S!P. It now supports ALL special effects and has
a nice user-interface with equalizers and DosShell. Full assembly source
included! You may use it as long as you credit the coder (Lone Ranger/AcmE).

There has been a lot of changes since version 0.1 was released, too many to
mention here, so I'll tell you what it supports at the moment:
   þ All SAdT Special Effects.
   þ Timer/Polling mode.
   þ Lots of variables to play with in your own program.
   þ User interface with pattern frwd/back, equ's and DosShell.
   þ Source of the user-interface included, so you can see how it all works.
   þ etc..

Well, enough about all that, let's turn over to the player itself.. It can
work in two modes: timer mode or polling mode. In timer mode the player does
all the timing by itself (even calls the original timer int about 18 times per
second). In polling mode you have to call the player yourself 50 or 70 times
a second, so YOU have to do all the timing stuff. This is how to use it:

EXTRN   SAT_player:FAR                  ; far call

        mov     bx, 0                   ; check for FM chip
        call    SAT_player
        jc      no_fm_chip_found        ; give a warning or something like that

        mov     bx, 1                   ; reset FM chip
        call    SAT_player

        mov     ax, seg _MusicSeg       ; segment of SAT file
        mov     es, ax
        mov     al, 0                   ; 0 for TIMER mode, 1 for polling mode
        mov     bx, 2
        Call    SAT_player

        mov     bx, 3                   ; Start playing
        call    SAT_player

; if you use TIMER mode, you can do your own stuff
; but when you use polling mode, you have to call the player 50 or 70 times
; a second, ie. during a vert retrace.

        mov     bx, 4                   ; poll player
        Call    SAT_player

; and when your finished, just do:

        mov     bx, 5
        call    SAT_player

This should get you started. While playing you have a few variables to play
with (you may only read them, DON'T EVER WRITE TO THEM, unless I tell you ;-)

SAT_Equalizer   36 bytes        ; This is a 36-note equalizer, each byte
                                ; can have the values 0-36, where 36 is the
                                ; maximum (=note just played..)

SAT_ChannelEqu  9 bytes         ; This is also an equalizer, but for each
                                ; channel. values 0-32.

SAT_SongPos     1 byte          ; This is the current song position

SAT_PatternPos  1 word          ; Position in current track, divide by
                                ; 9*5 (size of one row) to get the current
                                ; row.

SAT_Time        1 word          ; If you divide this by 50, you get the
                                ; number of seconds the song has played.

SAT_PjumpFlag   1 byte          ; If this is 1 there is currently a posjump
                                ; or patternbreak active, you may set this
                                ; (and SAT_PjumpPos/SAT_PbreakPos) to support
                                ; pattern Frwd/Back (see SATplay.asm).

SAT_PjumpPos    1 byte          ; New songposition to jump to if SAT_PjumpFlag
                                ; is 1.

SAT_PbreakPos   1 byte          ; New row to jump to if SAT_PjumpFlag is 1.

SAT_Volume      9 bytes         ; Volumes of each channel, where 0 is maximum
                                ; volume, and 63 is silence (can't help it,
                                ; that's how the AdLib works..).

SAT_Note        9 bytes         ; Current note of each channel (see SatPlay.asm)

SAT_Effect      9 bytes         ; Current effect of each channel.

SAT_Instrument  9 bytes         ; Current instrument of each channel


If you have any suggestions, questions or problems with this AcmE (tm) product
please contact us.

Also we are always looking for talented people to join us, so if you would like
to become part of AcmE (tm) contact us.


How to contact AcmE (tm) :
                          -Workstation      : Blue Steel bbs +31-(0)20-6403972
                                              14k4 bauds and 500 megs of true
                                              quality stuff. Your sysop : MadMan
                                              Distribution Site for : Imphobia/
                                              Cybernetic Dreams/Arkham/Anarchy

                          -German Headquarters: The Firm bbs +49-40-6482146

                          -Mail             : Aap.AcmE
                                              Griend 12
                                              1112 LD

                          -Electronic mail  : CDN 94:410/217
                                              SBC 14:1000/107.1

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