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Hermes by Retroguru [web]

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   |\       |   .   ||   /  \|   :  \ |   |\/   ||   /  \/      /            |
   | \      |___|   ||_.: __/|   |___\|___| |   ||_.: __/\_:___/ v0.90       |
   :  \         |   |   :/   |___|          |___|   :/     :                 |
   :\  \        |___|                                         RUN A LA CARTE |
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   |                                                                 |       |
   |  HERMES - RUN A LA CARTE is Freeware for certain, but not all,   )     (
   |  systems.                                                       |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   |  FREEWARE versions                                              :_______|
   |                                                                /        :
   |  - Amiga OS4 (digital download is free)                       /        /|
   |  - AROS (digital download is free)                           /        / |
   |  - GameCube (digital download is free)                      /        /  :
   |  - Dreamcast (digital download is free)                    /        /  /
   |  - Dingoo A320 (OpenDingux) (digital download is free)    /        /  /
   |  - GCW Zero (digital download is free)                   /        /  /
   |  - GP2x Wiz (digital download is free)                  /________/  /
   |  - Linux (digital download is free)                     \        \  \
   |  - Mac OS X PPC (digital download is free)               \        \  \  
   |  - Mac OS X x86 (digital download is free)                \        \  \ 
   |  - MorphOS (digital download is free)                      \        \  \
   |  - MotoMAGX (digital download is free)                      \        \  :
   |  - NetBSD 6 PPC (digital download is free)                   \        \ |
   |  - NetBSD 6 x86 (digital download is free)                    \        \|
   |  - Nintendo 3DS (digital download is free)                     \________:
   |  - Playstation Portable (PSP) (digital download is free)        :       |
   |  - Raspberry Pi (digital download is free)                       )     (
   |  - TI Nspire CX (digital download is free)                      |       |
   |  - Symbian OS Series 60 (digital download is free)               )     (
   |  - Symbian OS UIQ 3 (digital download is free)                  |       |
   |  - Wii (digital download is free)                                )     (
   |  - Windows (digital download is free)                           |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | Distribution of the FREEWARE version on third party pages is    |       |
   | welcome, link to our homepage located at retroguru.com in ex-    )     (
   | change to show your appreciation. Distribution on compilations, |       |
   | CD's, DVD's or other media is only allowed with a written per-   )     (
   | permission. Contact information is available on our homepage.   |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | Platforms which require all data files, such as graphics and    |       |
   | music, to be kept open and uncompressed: Feel free to use our    )     (
   | work for the purpose of playing the game. Names, artwork, music |       |
   | and everything related, remains copyrighted by Retroguru and     )     (
   | and it's creating member.                                       |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | Modifications should be not spread in a way that they may lead  |       |
   | to the conculusion that Retroguru is responsible for the modi-   )     (
   | fication. Free use of our work requires a written permission.   |       |
   | Clearly mark modifications as such. Commercial use of all        )     (
   | material provided is strictly prohibited.                       |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | Physical releases are possibly commercial and are available as  |       |
   | long as stock lasts. Check our homepage for details.             )     (
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   |                                                                 |       |
   | Hermes is an extraordinary Jump'n Run game covering bad taste    )     (
   | humour. If you feel offended by crude and dirty humour you may  |       |
   | run away now. The game also features pixel violence and promotes )     (
   | the consumption of meat. If you are a hardcore vegetarian, you  |       |
   | might very much dislike the game or just have a good laugh.      )     (
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   |                                                                 |       |
   | Hermes, at least this is how his friends call him, is living in  )     (
   | France, the country of love, but also the country known for its |       |
   | exquisite cuisine. One day Hermes had mood for a chicken leg,    )     (
   | certainly a real men like Hermes, won't go to the super market  |       |
   | and get pre-packed chicken, no... it has to be a real one,       )     (
   | slaughtered off by his own hand. This is where our story starts.|       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | Chase the escaped chicken to prepare a great grilled leg piece  |       |
   | you, which you wont ever forget!                                 )     (
   |                                                                 |       |
   | Yummi! But hell... that chicken for sure is fast!                )     (
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 | |   | | F E A T U R E S                                            )     (
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   |                                                                 |       |
   |  * Hand set pixels, with love!                                  :_______|
   |  * 10 Amiga Protracker chiptunes                               /        :
   |  * 32 levels!                                                 /        /|
   |  * Top 10 highscore!                                         /        / |
   |  * Unlimited continues!                                     /        /  :
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 | |   | | K E Y B O A R D  C O N T R O L S                       \        \ |
 | :___: |__________________________________                       \        \|
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   |                                                                 |       |
   |  * UP    = CURSOR UP                                            |       |
   |  * DOWN  = CURSOR DOWN                                           )     (
   |  * LEFT  = CURSOR LEFT                                          |       |
   |  * RIGHT = CURSOR RIGHT                                          )     (
   |  * HIT   = SPACE                                                |       |
   |  * ESC   = EXIT                                                  )     (
   |                                                                 |       |
   |  Use the ingame menu to change keyboard, joystick or joypad be-  )     (
   |  haviour! The supported devices very much rely on the operating |       |
   |  system and your hardware.                                       )     (
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 | |   | | C H A N G E L O G                                          )     (
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   |                                                                 |       |
   |  * v0.90                                                         )     (
   |    Initial Release                                              |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
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 | |   | | C O R E  T E A M                                           )     (
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   |                                                                 |       |
   |  * Lars Persson (Anotherguest)                                  :_______|
   |  - Main code                                                   /        :
   |  - http://anotherguest.se/                                    /        /|
   |                                                              /        / |
   |  * Shahzad Sahaib (Kojote)                                  /        /  :
   |  - Producer, Levels, Beta-Test, Sounds FX                  /        /  /
   |  - http://www.pdroms.de                                   /        /  /
   |                                                          /        /  /
   |  * Krzysztof Matys (Koyot1222)                          /________/  /
   |  - Graphics, Character design                           \        \  \
   |  - https://www.facebook.com/krzysztof.matys.98           \        \  \  
   |                                                           \        \  \ 
   |  * Johan Letfors (Vedder)                                  \        \  \
   |  - Music                                                    \        \  :
   |  - https://soundcloud.com/johanletfors                       \        \ |
   |                                                               \        \|
   |  * Roland Voss (Triace)                                        \________:
   |  - Music                                                       /        :
   |  - https://soundcloud.com/deejay-arvy                         /        /|
   |                                                              /        / |
   |  * Jan Jensen (Flarfy)                                      /        /  :
   |  - Handdrawn graphics for the DVD Cover                    /        /  /
   |  - http://www.janart.dk/                                  /        /  /
   |                                                          /        /  /
   |  * Denny Mueller (Mulle)                                /________/  /
   |  - Levels, Trailer, Beta-Test                           \        \  \
   |  - https://www.red-aqua-media.de/                        \        \  \  
   |                                                           \        \  \ 
   |                                                            \        \  \
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   |                                                                 |       |
   | * Rodolphe Boixel (Thor)                                         \     /
   |   Windows (32-bit), Linux (32-bit), Linux (64-bit), PSP, Wiz      )   (
   |   http://thor.pdroms.de                                          /     \
   |                                                                 |       |
   | * Frank Wille (phx)                                             |       |
   |   Amiga OS4, MorphOS, NetBSD x86, NetBSD PPC                     )     (
   |   http://sun.hasenbraten.de/~frank/                             |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | * Xavier Vallejo (Indiket)                                      |       |
   |   Dreamcast, Mac OS X                                            )     (
   |   http://www.dreamcast.es                                       |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | * Artur Rojek (zear)                                            |       |
   |   GCW Zero, Dingoo A320 OpenDingux                               )     (
   |   http://artur-rojek.eu/                                        |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | * Fabio Olimpieri (Oibaf)                                       |       |
   |   Wii, GameCube                                                  )     (
   |   http://wiibrew.org/wiki/User:Oibaf                            |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | * Yannick Erb                                                   |       |
   |   AROS                                                           )     (
   |   http://www.dusabledanslherbe.eu/AROSPage/                     |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | * Bruno Marie (Gameblabla)                                      |       |
   |   TI-Nspire CX                                                   )     (
   |   https://gameblabla.olympe.in/                                 |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | * Lars Persson (AnotherGuest)                                   |       |
   |   Symbian OS Series 60, Symbian OS UIQ 3, Android                )     (
   |   http://anotherguest.se/                                       |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | * Manuel Alfayate (Vanafel)                                     |       |
   |   Raspberry Pi                                                   )     (
   |   https://github.com/vanfanel                                   |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | * Sergei Kolesnikov (Exl)                                       |       |
   |   MotoMAGX                                                       )     (
   |   http://exlmoto.ru/                                            |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
   | * Gisberto Rondinella (nop90)                                   |       |
   |   Nintendo 3DS                                                   )     (
   |   http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/Nop90                            |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
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   |                                                                 |       |
   | * Joey Askey                                                     )     (
   |   Official Hermes Comic                                         |       |
   |   https://www.facebook.com/joe.askey.1                           )     (
   |                                                                 |       |
   | * Iwan Gabovitch                                                 )     (
   |   Few royality free SFX                                         |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
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   |                                                                 |       |
   | We use SDL, SDL_Mixer, libmodplug and zlib! Consult and visit:   )     (  
   |                                                                 |       |
   | http://www.libsdl.org/                                          |       |
   | http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/                       |       |
   | http://modplug-xmms.sourceforge.net/                            |       |
   | http://www.zlib.net/                                            |       |
   |                                                                 |       |
   | The "Scale2x" function used for antialias is an own recoded     |       |
   | implementation by Yannick Erb and does not use the original     |       |
   | GPL'ed code. You may want to check this page for more infor-    |       |
   | mation on Scale2x: http://scale2x.sourceforge.net/              |       |
   |                                                                 |       |
   | Please kindly note "scale2x", "bilinear antialias" and "scan-   |       |
   | lines", once activated, will intense CPU usage and might lead   |       |
   | to slowdowns and higher energy consumption, which therefore     |       |
   | will decrease battery life on portable devices. Availability    |       |
   | of these functions is OS depending.                             |       |
   |                                                                  )     (
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   |  The wonderful soundtrack as follows                            :_______|
   |                                                                /        :
   |  - Title music: Slasher (Intro) (by Vedder)                   /        /|
   |  - Level 01-04: Bonefired Happiness (by Triace)              /        / |
   |  - Level 05-08: No Hard Mood 2 (by Triace)                  /        /  :
   |  - Level 09-12: WOC-Time (by Triace)                       /        /  /
   |  - Level 13-16: Here Be Hippos (by vedder)                /________/  /
   |  - Level 17-21: Hospital Heat (by Triace)                 \        \  \
   |  - Level 22-25: Hit Me With Chips (by vedder)              \        \  \ 
   |  - Level 26-29: Electrochips (by vedder)                    \        \  :
   |  - Level 30-32: Memory Massacre (by vedder)                  \        \ |
   |  - Bossfight:   Kottbulladdicted (by Triace)                  \        \|
   |                                                                \________: 
   |  ...HINT: Use the soundcheck option in the menue!              /       /|
   |_______________________________________________________________/ [EOF] / |
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