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Santa Claus Barbie was drunk as a cochon by MJJ Prod [web]

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______________________________. p r e s e n t s ._______________________________

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            | (_| (_) | (__| | | | (_) | | | |_ _ _ _             
             \___\___/ \___|_| |_|\___/|_| |_(_(_(_(_)     

                         Released for Xmas2K16...


    SCBwdaac was made in two month.
    The project was initiated by HerrV and MrNours.
    Used to code on STe, we wanted to make one or two simple screens
    in order to test the Stf limits... why not for christmas?


    This demo requires at least:
    Real Atari STf/e 1048Ko with a hard disk and a colour monitor.
    Please just unpack the archive and lauch XMAS.PRG from your hardisk.
    Also, tested with Steem & Hatari ( Stf/e / Tos 1.00-1.62 / 1Mo ).

    If you want different realtime goatse, feel free to launch again
    the demo.

    Code ......................................................... Mr Nours
         ......................................................... HerrV
         ......................................................... Gloky
         ......................................................... Toufou

    Gfx  ......................................................... C-rem
         ......................................................... Pinky
         ......................................................... Arklif
         ......................................................... Strider

    Music......................................................... Floopy

    Coding Tools ................................................. Tobe

    Some of the graphics were grabbed from the internet and then converted
    for Atari ST, some are originals one .
    The gnome part come from the excellent animated serie "Gravity Falls".

    Note that the music by Floopy was already used for the DHS Christmas


    IRC channels #atari.fr #mjjprod on IRCnet

    Come on, We're MJJPROD, You can fuck with us!

                                                     ½ MJJ Prod, December 2016
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