self printing greets by alone coder
device pentagon1024 begin=#e90c ;bc=#e90c (59660) ;a=c ;hl=#2d2b ;de=(STKEND) ;"Z" "NC" org begin ;#e90c ;defb "PrIvetbI/Greets: maYHem MmcM Rsi" ld d,b ;d=#e9 ld (hl),d ld c,c halt ld h,l ld (hl),h ld h,d ;hl=#e92b ld c,c cpl ld b,a ld (hl),d ;patch (#e92b) with #e9=jp (hl)="i"|#80 ld h,l ld h,l ld (hl),h ld (hl),e ld a,(#6d20) ld h,c ld e,c ;de=#e90c=begin ld c,b ld h,l ld l,l jr nz,$+2+#4d ld l,l ld h,e ;hl=#0c2b ld c,l jr nz,$+2+#52 ld (hl),e ;#e92b defb "i" ;jp (hl) to #0c2b end ;#20 bytes total ;#0c22 ;ld a,(de) ;and #7f ;call #0c3b ;push de:exx:rst #10:exx:pop de:ret ;ld a,(de) ;inc de ;add a,a ;#0c2b ;jr nc,#0c22 ;pop de ;cp #48 ;jr z,#0c35 ;cp #82 ;ret c savebin "greets.txt",begin,end-begin LABELSLIST "..\us\user.l"
[ back to the prod ]