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My little 256-byte effort.  When I started, it was at least going to
have some nice features but your nasty 256-byte limit has turned it into
something almost entirely pointless.  The source wasn't designed for
anyone else to read (I've just knocked it up in, let's see, 5 hours, most
of which was looking for bytes to strip out) but if they want it they
can have it.

The "game":
  ...needs a mouse driver installed (otherwise it will probably crash).
Keep the little ball from going off the bottom of the screen - it will
fall throught your bat if it goes too slow, so you've got to keep it up
in the air by whacking it from the side (ie. have the bat moving when you
hit it).  There's no scoring, unless you want to use a stopwatch.

Jay Foad <jmf22@cam.ac.uk>
Trinity College, Cambridge
16th March 1995

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