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lifeforms by Placebo

 .: .......:.    .placebo.contribution.
     ..:      : ____  .2.cc.01.demoparty.
     :_____   : \__/______________
    _\    /___:/     _\     _____/___
_ _/    _/        __        __/  ___/__
\\\______________/ /______/___  _/     \__    ..:..... :. .
     :    __..:..dmn[pcb] .::/___________///:     :..
     :..__\/_:: :         .l.i.f.e._________:  _____:
        ) /\/  ____________   _____\_   \_   \/ ___/:__
        \/    _\     _____/___\_    /   _/  _  /      /_____
          _ _/       __/___\_  / ___\________\/________,    \_ _
          \\\______/___     /    \_|:. .    :  /_____________///
                      /___________/|      ..:..     .f.o.r.m.s.
                          _|  :    |_
        .party.version.   \   :     /  .the.demo.
                   ___ _   |  :..  |
 _  _ ___________ /        | ...:  |
                 /_________|_:_____|_______ ______ ________ _  _
      o n e     /
  _  _ ________/     i n t r o d u c t i o n
              /________________ _____ _________________ _  _
         _ __/             |   :.. |
                           |     : |
So here we are! New name, new group, new demo. No more Eternity.
Just  the  purest  Placebo.  Don't even try to find any trace of
cure inside this - it's fucking hopeless. We made it  for Scene,
and   for   Scene   only  -  not  to  make  some  shitty  pseudo
demomaking-lovers happy! A piece of sophisticated code, a  bunch
of reckless pixels, a "beaten to death" sound. No more, no less.
And what about Design? Screw it! WE  ARE  DESIGN  OURSELVES!  No
rock'a'pop  style,  no fake drum'n'bass, no lousy 'funky' music.
Just some LifeForms released... Life & Scene...  The  only  real
things... Love them!          ...:
                   ___ _  _|  :.:: |_
 _  _ ___________ /       \   ..:   /
                 /_________|_ :____|_______ ______ ________ _  _
      t w o     /
  _  _ ________/         c r e d i t s
              /________________ _____ _________________ _  _
         _ __/             | :...  |
                           |    :  |
     __           graphics............paracels
    _\/_          sound................sair00s
    \/\/          objects................d-man
                  ascii..................d-man       __
                   ___ _   |  :... |               __\/_
 _  _ ___________ /        |    .: |               ) /\/
                 /_________|_ __:__|_______ ______ \/______ _  _
    t h r e e   /
  _  _ ________/     r e q u i r e m e n t s
              /________________ _____ _________________ _  _
         _ __/             | :...  |
                           |    :  |
To run 'LifeForms' perfectly you'll need  classic  Pentagon  128
with  5.25" floppy drive. The disk _must_ have fast format only!
While formating/restoring the lag track should be set to  1  for
5.25"  drives,  2 for 3.5" floppies. The loader still needs this
stuff, sorry Europe.      _|  :    |_
                   ___ _  \   :..   /
 _  _ ___________ /        | ...:  |
                 /_________|_:_____|_______ ______ ________ _  _
     f o u r    /
  _  _ ________/  s o f t w a r e / h a r d w a r e   u s e d
              /________________ _____ _________________ _  _
         _ __/             | ...:  |
                           | :     |
zx:    storm.art studio.psc.hrust.sprite master.trmshob2.bge
       zxword.ews          | :     |
amiga: brilliance.lightwave.personal paint.arteffect.superview
       dopus5.dopus4.pdhfic.magic eye.pcx.golded
                           |    :  |
This software was launched on: .:  |
                           |   :   |
.pentagon 128.5.25".3.5".ay.colour monitor
.zx-spectrum 128.5.25".3.5".ay.soundrive.covox.kempston mouse.
 b/w monitor               |  ..:. |
.zx-spectrum 128.5.25"x2.ay|  :.:: |
.nemo kay 1024.5.25".3.5".ay.b/w monitor
.scorpion 256.5.25".ay.color monitor.gmx
                           |     : |
.commodore amiga 1200.m-tec turboboard.28mhz.8mb fast ram.
 1gb hdd.48x cdrom.microvitec ...: |
                   ___ _   |  :..  |
 _  _ ___________ /        | ...:  |
                 /_________|_:_____|_______ ______ ________ _  _
      f i v e   /
  _  _ ________/        c o m m e n t s
              /________________ _____ _________________ _  _
         _ __/             |   ..: |
                           |   :   |
The whole code  was  made  in  Storm,  the  fastest  ZX-Spectrum
assembler  nowadays. Besides that Sair00s just loves it. He says
that he wanted to make demo. Liar! We were waiting for  him  for
more  than  half of summer. He hasn't even come to say: fuck the
CC, fuck the demo, I quit. And then, when all of us  were  truly
believing  that  there  will be no demo from Placebo, he came at
last, saying: I want to make demo! It was the end of July.  Holy
crap. One month to create the whole piece of shit! Fuuuuck!..
                           |   :   |
Graphics were drawn in  old  good  Art  Studio  on  ZX-Spectrum.
Although  Paracels has used Burial Graphics Editor once for some
sprites works. He says it was cool enough. Some of the  pictures
were merely converted from Amiga and then retouched and coloured
by Paracels. These are the  "guy,  hushing  up  his  life",  the
"friends",  the  "thinking man and his eye" and finally the "six
guys, looking at all this shit (hey! that's  us!)".  To  convert
Paracels  used  his  beloved  Brilliance, Personal Paint, PHDFIC
converter  and  his  hands.  D-Man  has  also  helped  him  with
converting images.         |   ..: |
                           |   :   |
To justify this shit  with  ripping  and  converting  the  other
people's  images,  Paracels  says  that  he just had no time for
pixelling. Liar! As a result only 3 pictures were fully drawn by
him personally. Try to find them yourself.
                           |      :|
While creating 'LifeForms' D-Man has used Amiga only. And  after
that he dares to say, that he is a ZX-Spectrum patriot. Liar! He
used 'LightWave' for modeling 3D objects and  then  'Magic  Eye'
utility  fot  converting  them  to ascii format. To create ascii
D-Man used PCx emulator and 'AciDraw' in it.
                           |:      |
As this is the post party release of our demo, we must  say that
the whole final work on the demo was made not in  Kovrov. Having
left Kovrov we still had 4 effects to add & the whole  fixing to
made. Some of the graphics were also in need of being  retouched
and fixed. So we've reached Moscow with that "demo pockets" full
of unfinished shit. There we used  Wlodek  Black's  Pentagon  to
continue making the demo. But as we had only few hours for that,
the demo hasn't  been  yet  finished. The  Saint  Petersburg was
waiting...                 |      ::
                           :      :|
And, oh gosh, we were creating demo for the whole  saturday, the
whole night & and the early morning on  sunday. And, thank  God,
we've finally made it. Fuuuuuck! Sair00s hasn't seen  almost all
of the zx-spectrum day compos. He missed almost  everything, but
he did his best. Viva el Placebo! Viva el CC!
                   ___ _  _|    .: |_
 _  _ ___________ /       \  ...:   /
                 /_________|_:_____|_______ ______ ________ _  _
       s i x    /
  _  _ ________/          t h a n k s
              /________________ _____ _________________ _  _
         _ __/             |   :   |
                           |   :   |
Alex Tcherdakov     - for giving us Pentagon motherboard
Neo/Virtual Masters - for giving us Pentagon 128
Roma Goryunov       - for giving us ZX-Spectrum 128
                           |   :    |
Wlodek Black        - for letting us to use his computer
Pheel               - for moral support, advice & dinner
Maddy               - for moral support, help with basic loader
Nemo                - for his Kay 1024 ;8)))))))))))
Flying              - for moral support
Screamer            - for moral support, Coca-Cola support
Stanly              - for moral support
Dwarf               - for moral support
UnBeliever          - for moral support and for moving ZX
                      demo compo to the 2nd day. It  gave
                      us the chance to finish the demo.
Steel Drugon        - for moral support
Arty                - for trying to stop DRV playing "Elite" ;)
Kasik               - for moral support
Elf                 - for moral support
                           |:    : |
And others: Kvazar, Organism, Paul Pavlov, Levitator, Zetter,
            Megus, Vivid, Tigrr, Klim, Joker, Justinas, Jtn,
            Stalker, Kano, Lav, Fat Crazer, Lina, Weird,
            DJ Soundliner, ZSV, CPU,  and all visitors &
            compers of CC'001!!! : :
                           |     : |
Kovrov, Moscow & Saint Petersburg! Thanks for your help, support
and belief!                :   __: |               __
                   ___ _  _|  :..  |_             _\/_
 _  _ ___________ /       \  ...:   /             \/\/
                 /_________|_:_____|_______ ______ ________ _  _
     s e v e n  /
  _  _ ________/  l o v e   &   r e s p e c t
              /________________ _____ _________________ _  _
         _ __/             | ....: |
                           | :     |
                           |    :  |
personal greet & truly the  deepest  thanks  goes  to  BigBlack,
Chaos Constructions 2001 leading organizer & to  UnBeliever/XTM,
organizer of ZX-Spectrum section at CC'001.
                   ___ _   |  :..  |
 _  _ ___________ /        | ...:  |
                 /_________|_:_____|_______ ______ ________ _  _
      e i t h   /
  _  _ ________/         c o n t a c t
              /________________ _____ _________________ _  _
         _ __/            _|   :   |_
                          \ .. :..  /      __
snail:  601901,            |::...: |      _\/__
        Russia,            | : ... |      \/\ (
        Vladimir region,   | :.:.: |         \/
        town of Kovrov,    |   :   |
        Chernyshevsky str., 7-17.  |
        For Kalinin Dmitry (D-Man^PCB).
                           |  :    |
e-mail: placebo@imail.ru   |  - group's e-mail box
        dman_pcb@imail.ru  |  - d-man's personal e-mail box
        spy_pcb@imail.ru   |  - spy's personal e-mail box
        paracels_pcb@imail.ru - paracels' personal e-mail box
                           |    :  |
url:    http://pcb.nm.ru      - placebo home page
  _ _____ ____ _____ ____ _| .:    |__ ____ ___ ___ ____ __ __
_/(c) 2oo1 Placebo___ _ ____ kovrov ____  ___ascii by dman^pcb\_

                     ...there is no cure...

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