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Blush by 10K productions

|    "BLUSH - the official release  "                                  |
|      Copyright(C) 2000 10K Productions                               |
|                7/1/00                                                |


    All the rights for all 10k Productions' products including the
    BLUSH demo belong to 10K Productions. Commercial use of this
    product is strictly prohibited. This product may be distributed 
    freely at all FTP sites, BBSes etc. as long as no money is charged 
    for it. If you want to put this demo on CD/DVD for distribution,
    you MUST get our written permission and send us a free copy of the 


    We can not be held responsible for any damage any of our productions
    may cause to your computer or to any data stored in your computer.



   Code         :   BOO, VLD
   3D Models    :   FLC
   2D Art       :   FUA
   Credit Art   :   FLC
   Music        :   BOO
   Title Art    :   VLD
   Textures     :   VLD

Special Thanks To:

   Zap Intelligence(KALLE K) from www.compuclub.dk for letting us 
   use his computer to track the music for the demo at TP9.

For additional GREETS and CREDITS watch the demo and read TENK.NFO.

(please forgive us if we have accicdentally misspelled your handles in the 
 greets, email us at blushfix@10k.org so we can make the corrections )


Hardware Requirements:

   - Pentium 
   - 64 megs RAM
   - Sound Blaster
   - 8 megs hard drive space
   - 320x240x32 bit color video mode


   - Pentium II or faster

firstcontact@10k.org                                    http://www.10k.org/

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