goa by The Black Lotus [web]
G O A at Assembly'96 T H E B L A C K L O T U S made it 10100100 Offa Dig-it Equalizer Grafitsilainen Rodney Louie Mamuschka Azazel 3Dlainen Tudor (We are the monkeys) timing made on 030/28Mhz so don't complain if you got less power and yes we prefer 2x2 with enough colors before 256 cols we guess the music fucks up on a4000/040 this production is freeware We guess our demo-OS tries to fool you about the length one week demos are enough written agreement from TBL before earning money on this thing d94mgr@blg.du.se is email to Offa, one of the coders in this thing http://www.pi.net/~blahh/TBL.html (or something) is home on the net Boogeyman & Tim should be credited for some polygon theories and c2p Murk should be thanked for some noiseless enviroment Case should be thanked for his moral support Silver Eagle & Flame should be thanked for VERY last minute help Always remember: Apan Hoppar !
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