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Split by Unknown Productions [web]

 a demo called "split"
 by unknown productions ntm (not a trademark).

 first test of our soon to be released scenefactory engine; released at xplanada 2001 party in alicante, spain.
 finished on 5/5/2001
 code. jcl & tolemac
 muzak. zephyr
 gfx. jcl

 we are not farb-rausch! :)

Source code  |

 This is our SceneFactory WinMain for "Split" (taste it before you grab it!):
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,			// Instance
     		   HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,        	// Previous Instance							   LPSTR lpCmdLine,			// Command Line Parameters
     		   int	 nCmdShow)	              	// Window Show State
  // Declaration of different scenes
  TScnHelix      *scnHelix=new TScnHelix;
  TScnFlares     *scnFlares=new TScnFlares;
  TScnTunnel     *scnTunnel=new TScnTunnel;
  TScnLightball  *scnLightball=new TScnLightball;
  TScnCredits    *scnCredits=new TScnCredits;
  TScnTest       *scnTest=new TScnTest;
  TScnDeformMesh *scnDeformMesh=new TScnDeformMesh;
  // Create a demo Object.
  TDemo demo("Split - Xplanada 2001", 640, 480, 32, true);
  // Adds scenes to a demo
  demo.setMusic((char *)MUSIC, TMODTYPE_MODULE);

  demo.addScene(scnTunnel,     0,     65000);    
  demo.addScene(scnHelix,      13000, 45000);  
  demo.addScene(scnLightball,  65000, 134000);  
  demo.addScene(scnCredits,    65000, 120000);  
  demo.addScene(scnFlares,     39500, 70000);  
  demo.addScene(scnDeformMesh, 134000, 155000);  

  // Run demo, woo!
  int result = demo.run(0);
  return result;
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