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No Time by Affinity [web]

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      |      |    |   | |   |  |      \|          \_BLi   \_
      `------'----'---' `---'--^-------'-----------'-------'

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      :                                                          :
      :______________                            ________________:
                 ////           NO TiME          \\\\
         _______/                                    \________
        _)                   A Visual Demo                   (_______
 ______ |                                                     |\    /
 \    / |             Released at Nullarbor 2006              | \ ./
  \ ./  |                                                     |  \/
   \/   |  Code                                          E64  |
       _|                                                     |_
       |!  Graphics                              Nightshadow  !|
 ______|                                                       |
 \    /|   Music                                  Vermillion   |______
  \ ./ |                                                       |\    /
   \/  |_  Ascii                .:.                 Bhodi-Li  _| \ ./
    ...!|          .:.        .:::::.           .:.           |!  \/
  ______|               Affinity is Recruiting                |   :
  \    /|        if you think you have what it takes          |...:
   \ ./ |                  Visit our website                __|___
    \/  !--------...------.-----..------.---.-.-----..---.--\-!  /
                                                          BLi\ ./

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