Dance of the Fridge Fairy by triDDDs
// Dance of the fridge Fairy // // Unfortunately, our topic doesn't follow nirnaeths suggestion: // "schafi rules da w0rld!" // ,---@> // W-W' // // by triDDDs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This demo was written for the TextModeDemoContest8. We aimed to make it in 64k (textator64k.exe), but we also provide a version for not up2date-pcs (textatordbg.exe) including our debug window, usefull for ppl without enough fantasy. demo freatures: -BSP-raytracer (shadows, material-shadings like specular...) -HDR -Glow -DepthOfField -Texturemapping -Compressed geometry (~5k triangles) and textures -software synthesizer (-nice toolchain ;) ) unused features: -Antialiasing -Softshadows -specialShaders (refraction,reflection...) credits to: Meyitzo: -Modelling (and laughing about coderart) rapso: -conceptart (coder-art) -animation -code: raytracer, 3d pipeline -whip the members to work harder -sound Squolly: -software synthesizer & compiler -additional tools -sound greetings to: Meyitzo: to my loving girlfriend Helen who liked my model of the kitchen webcore rapso: to my sleeping girlfriend "ophely" Boesebub to ScottManDeath and his raytracing idea (and spellchecking) Fede Skaladeos Phil Blackland Wolfram AlphaRay roma_k Asmodeus Xtern Squolly's dog zamena&wednesday Squolly: to my lovely family and my friends my comfortable living dog ;) the zivis at the felsenmeer school shuugo ziggn unununium Lina CyRuS Kenshin Xtern n-t bleedy and all the others i've fogot
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