Mainstream by inf
MAINSTREAM RELEASE VERSION INF's first 64kb intro ever! ABOUT MAINSTREAM: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ We just wanted to make something for the Online'96. Well, here it is. Our very first 64kb intro ever. Nothing much, but it's our contrib for the 64kb intro compo at Online'96. It won, but that doesn't mean a thing since the average Online'96 attender were gamelamers. So what's this "release version"? Actually it looks 100% like the compo version and doesn't even support more soundcards (sorry, we didn't manage to find any other player than GP15 that could play the module right). The only difference is that the decruncher is fairly more stabile than the compo version (due to lack of bytes in the compo version). LEGAL BABBLE: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Copy it, spread it, eat it, do what ever you want with this intro. However all the files have to be included in their ORIGINAL form. No money can be charged for this intro either. Disclaimer: if this cute little intro should blow up your computer, INF can NOT be held lieable. You run this intro at your own risk and even if the result is a nuclear meltdown, it's non of our business. FILES INCLUDED: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The following files should be included. If not, delete it and get a descent copy of this shit: - MAINSTRM.EXE - The intro. Gee... amazing, a exe file! - MAINSTRM.NFO - Info file, you're reading it now. - FILE_ID.DIZ - The file_id.diz. MACHINE REQUIREMENTS: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ To run this intro, you need a machine with at least - 386sx, 486dx2 or faster recommended - Math Co-processor required - VGA card; VLB or PCI highly recommended - 400kb of hard disk space - GUS needed for sound (otherwise there will be no sound, sorry) - 565kb of free DOS memory. BTW: Please note that this intro matches The Gathering'96 64kb *compo* rules! :) Also note that the computer used as compo machine at Online'96 was a Pentium 133mhz, 50mb edo and 512kb pipeline cache. You should thank us for not making a pentium based intro out of Mainstream. :) TROUBLE SHOOTING: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Q: The intro hangs/don't want to run! A: You've done something wrong. FEATURING: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The longest infofile for any intro ever! EXCUSES: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Well, here are the (common) excuses that expain why this intro isn't as good at it should be: - It's our very first 64kb intro ever. - TMK did the mainwiring here... - BUGS... a *lot* of them. - As allways the school, we really hate it, don't we? - We're really fed up of this party. - "64kb...that's nothing, absolutly *nothing*!" - TMK in lack of bytes - We ate to much oranges for breakfast. - Drowning in annoying lamers, and 99% of the people present at the party were non-sceners. How inspiring! - No domination... at least we can't feel it. - We really really really really really really *HATE* ourselves (TMK) - We really really really really really really *HATE* TMK (TMK) - We really really really really really really *LOVE* ourselves (BitBrat) - TMK really really really *HATES* BitBrat's attitude towards life. - BitBrat really really really *LOVES* his own attitude towards life. - TMK really really *HATES* that BitBrat *LOVES* his own attitude. - TMK really really hates himself for that. - Lowlevel party... Sub level party... Fed up, fed up... bored. - BitBrat ment that it was more important to focus on the DECOY demo. - "100kb is more like it" - TMK linking the shit. - Had to write this silly info file. - We're INF... yes. CREDITS: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Detailed credits: - "Graphics" and 3Dobjects by TMK - Music by Sticky - Coding: Main code and linking by TMK Additional code (map handlers etc.) by BitBrat Vector engine by Twaddler Misc (decruncher, loaders, etc) by Snupi - GUSPlay 1.5 by Robban/Cascada - XLinker 2.02 by Jinx!/TC HOW TO CONTACT: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ You may contact us.... By calling our cute little WHQ: GeniPig (+47)66779464 Sending snailmail: INF 0strevei 77 N-1315 NES0YA NORWAY Using e-mail: (Frog Fuzz) (White Water) etc... or use the common Daskmig contact channels (emails etc.) Money and equipment donations may be sent to our snailmail address above. :) GREETINGS: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Special thanks to: Ourselves for being such a cool group :) TMK would like to say hello to: ... nobody this time. To pissed. BitBrat sends dweebels to: everybody, since the world is a happy place and everybody should be excellent to each other!! Happy happy joy joy!! Greetings to: Sub Logic and Index (great intros both of you!), Darkzone, Sorrox, Xenen Development, Twilight Zone Software, Gollum, Proxima, Orchide, etc. etc. the rest of the Daskmig Staff and all Daskmig readers. You have just read the whole Mainstream info file... Get a life!! INF(c)96
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