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Vortex by Kakiarts [web]

                 _               // kj-02: vortex
__   _____  _ __| |_ _____  __
\ \ / / _ \| '__| __/ _ \ \/ /   // a demo in 64 kb
 \ V / (_) | |  | ||  __/>  <
  \_/ \___/|_|   \__\___/_/\_\   // breakpoint 2005 version

This is my second intro. I hope you enjoy it :)

Some facts:
 - 100% handwritten (well, almost ... I use minifmod :)
   pure C (>8500 lines)
 - compiled with lcc-win32, packed with UPX
 - OpenGL 1.1 (yes, 1.>>1<< :)
 - Don't try to read the scroller, it's too fast for you.
   Instead, try to find the little bug I left behind in
   the game scene ;)

Greets go out to:
 - the other members of kakiarts and deranged
 - everyone who inspired or helped me (you know who you are)

-- KeyJ^kat ~ http://www.kakiarts.de/
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