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umilde by Fedcon

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   | Production Name: UMILDE                                                |
   | Done By......: neik                     ³ Release date.: 12/20/95         |
   | Distro By....: neik                     ³ Size.........: ?                |
   | System Req...: SOUND CARD               ³ Supports.....: SB/PRO/16/ASP    |
   | Rating.......: [±±±±±±±±-]              ³                NO GUS           |
   | Credits......: gfx/cote	coder/neik_raider			       | 
   |                           RELEASE NOTES                                |
   |                                                                        |
   | 000OOOhhhh the most awaitng song was here no???..., stop saying shit   |
   | and comment it now..  Well Guys, first, sorry for da k00l people that  |
   | we missed in da song, but, was making t00 fast and well, as u know,    |
   | da philE size start making too big ;)                                  |
   |                                                                        |
   | Peek voice not sound too bad, but, iN My OPinIon, maybe with some more |
   | alcH00l Sound GrEeT 8b ...                                             |
   |                                                                        |
   | We Discussed da idea for have your kuestion and answer it and if u     |
   | wanna t0 make some kool muzak or u have a g00d idea for one, tell me   |
   | iN a Messy in some Fedcon Distro Sites...                              |
   |                                                                        |
   | Mmm.. ThAtz enough for thiz time...      Zee u L8r PaL!                |
   |                                                                        |
   |                                                      OverŸlow / Fedcon |
   |                                                                        |

   |                    FeDCoN DISTRO SITES & QUARTERS                      |
   |                                                                        |
   |      System Name               Nodez          Phone         SySoP      |
   | CoPy_GaMe--------------D.S------ 1 ------+54-1-RiP-PED!---THe_EViL---- |
   | The_BeST---------------D.S------ 2 ------+54-1-NOT-NUP!----BaraKa----- |
   | Infernal_Kit-----------WHQ------ 2 ------+54-1-443-3129--Neik_Raider-- |
   | Mysterious_Art---------D.S------ 1 ------+54-1-ASK-ELiTE----Murk------ |
   | The_Rave_Factory-------D.S------ 1 ------+54-1-YOU-WiSH----MadBiT----- |
   | undkow-d-mention-------D.S------ 1 ------+54-1-YOU-MTFK----RAVE-N----- |

   ³                       FeDCoN MEMBER LiST                               |
   |                                                                        |
   | ORGANIZERS:                                                            |
   | ~~~~~~~~~~                                                             |
   | OverŸlow -------- CoDER / CouRiER (Really?)                            |
   | Peek-A-Boo ------ SFx MaKeR (t00 K00L MuZaK PaL!)                      |
   |                                                                        |
   | TeAM D00Dz:                                                            |
   | ~~~~~~~~~~~                                                            |
   | NeiK_RaiDeR -------- CoDER / BBs SuPP0rT (U LovE .ASM!)                |
   |      BaRaKa -------- ANSi MaKER / BBS SUPPORT (WhaT!?)                 |
   |        CoTe -------- GFx MaKER (sure... n0??)                          |
   |    The_Evil -------- BBs SuPPorT (MmM.. OuT oF LiNe?)                  |
   |                                                                        |
   |                                                                        |

   |                     HOW TO GET iN TOUCH WiTH US                        |
   |                                                                        |
   | FEDC0N is currently looking for new talents of any kind. If you think  |
   | can help us in anyway or want to apply as a FEDC0N affiliate please    |
   | call to ourz boardz and leave a comment to one of Fedcon Members...    |
   |                                                                        |

          /\/\/\/\/\=- NO MORE 2 SAYZ PALS - C YA! -=/\/\/\/\/\

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