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The Coders' Guide To The Demoscene by Acid Team [web] & Jakub Husak

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 |   /        sUMMER EDITIOn (15th-18th aUGUST 2o24, Gdansk/POLAND)
 |  /           
 | /                - - -- 35TH ATARI STE ANNIVERSARY -- - -

         "The Coders' Guide to the Demoscene" by Acid Team & Jakub Husak 
     first published in Gdansk/POLAND at SillyVenture, on August 17th, 2024.

   The final release includes improvements to the title screen, new rotozoomer
       artwork, copyediting and proofreading - all contributed by Krystone.

       The package DEMO.ZIP contains the release version of the demo, while
   EXTRAS.ZIP includes the demo with music at higher frequencies that requires
    8MB of ST-RAM, intended for emulators, FPGA clones etc. This package also
      contains the studio version of the demo music composed by Jakub Husak.
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