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FujiBoink! by Spreadpoint [web]

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                               F U J I B O I N K !

                          Release date   July 6, 2024
                         Release party   Nordlicht

                            Production   20 kB intro

                                  Code   MnemoTroN

                         Original code   Michael Park / Xanth Computers
                          and graphics

                                  Uses   AmigaKlang
                                         ZX0 data compressor
                                         Cranker executable compressor

                                 ASCII   ne7

                                System   Amiga
                          Requirements   Motorola 68000 CPU
                                         Original chip set (OCS)
                                         512 kB RAM

                            Thank-yous   Virgill for the AmigaKlang preset.
                                         Depeche for bugging me endlessly
                                         to finally finish this.

                           Visit www.spreadpoint.net

                             WE ARE INTERGALACTIC
                                JOIN THE POWER
                                   (C) 2024
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