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Interface 37 by Stonehead

 .          .       /\ .                 *         .                   .  
     .    ________ /\/\ ______________________  _______ _____ ___ __ . |    .
  *   .  /_______/\\/\//______________________\/\______\\____\\__\\_\--+---
  .      \_______\/ \/ \______________________/\/______//____//__//_/ .|
      ______ ________ _______ _______ _______   __ ______ ______ _______  .
.    / ____//__  ___// ___  // ___  // ___/\ \ /\ \\  ___\\  __ \\  ___ \
    / /____\\_/ /\__/ /\ / // / _/ // /___\ \ \__\ \\ \__/ \ \_\ \\ \_/\ \ .
   /___  /\  / / / / / // // / // // __/\ .\ \  ___ \\  _\\ \  __ \\ \\ \ \
  _\__/ / / / / / / /__/ // / // // /__\/.  \ \ \_/\ \\ \/__ \ \ \ \\ \_/  \
 /_____/ / /_/ / /______//_/ //_//_____/\    \ \_\\ \_\\____\ \_\ \_\\_____/
 \_____\/  \_\/  \______\\_\/ \_\\_____\/  .  \/_/ \/_//____/\/_/\/_//____/
		             - proudly presents -

------------------- Interface 37 Party-Demo by Stonehead --------------------

Released on 03/16/2024 @ Interface-Party 37 in Kiel / Germany

Min. Requirements: 

- Amiga AGA / 060 @50Mhz FPU / 16MB Fastram

Additional tested on:

- A500 Mini with AMiNiMiga V212F / Amiberry V3 
  (copy demo-folder to 'AMiNiMiga\Hardfolders\Share' to get access from WB)
- WinUAE V4.4.0  (Select 68020 and FPU and 32Bit RAM)
- FSUAE  V3.0.3  (Select 68040 for FPU and JIT for best performace)


Code			: Axis  / Mactron
2D-Graphics		: Toddi / Mactron
3D-Objects 		: Toddi 
Samples			: Toddi / Kai
adpcm musicplayer 	: kalms^tbl
68040/68060 c2p		: kalms^tbl
deflate decompressor	: keir fraser

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