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Lato by Nupo
A demo for Revision/Instanssi 2022

I have been experimenting with high-precision GNSS (="GPS")- and 
lidar-devices and as they say, "make a demo about it". So I did and
here is the result (party version). Funnily this matches quite well
the satellite-theme of this year's Revision. Most of the parts were
at a prototype-level before I heard about the theme so hearing about
the theme gave a bit of extra boost to get this done.

Sorry for the "ripped" soundtrack. Visuals took too long to get working
so getting any customized soundtrack for this was impossible (and I'm
not a musician).

There are a lot of things to hone, but I ran out of time. Probably some
kind of final version coming some time. Not promising it soon, though. 
This took a lot of time to make and after the crunch of the last days
(or actually weeks) I'm most probably blind to most shortcomings in this,
so better to take a break now. Don't look at the code, it's super messed
up after all the modifications and hacks piling up. Probably will make
it a bit tidier for the final version.

Links to some assets used in this:

Sputnik: Beep:

Luca Parmitano soyuz launch 28052013:

Huygens Alien Descent Radar

Sounds of Saturn: Hear Radio Emissions of the Planet and Its Moon Enceladus:

Main tune:
Vega 28231406 Ezequiel Rodríguez

Beware of Jupiter’s Largest Moon Ganymede


Planet generator used to generate texture for the textured planet:
Generated with command: 
planet -o test.bmp -s 0.41 -w 4096 -h 4096 -c

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