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Five Bytes by Pers' Wastaiset Produktiot [web]

FIVE BYTES by viznut/pwp
(or seven bytes if you count the prg header)

(7e 00) 3e 10 8f e8 50

These bytes inject into the RAM-resident CHRGET routine as follows:

      original    new
0073  inc $7a
0075  bne $0079
0077  inc $7b
0079  lda xxxx
007c  cmp #$3a
007e  bcs $008a   007e 3e 10 8f  rol $8f10,x
0080  cmp #$20    0081 e8        inx
0082  beq $0073   0082 50        bvc $0073

To generate the prg file from a unix shell:

echo fgA+EI/oUA== | base64 -d > fivebytes.prg

To write the bytes in vice monitor:

>7e 3e 10 8f e8 50

On the C-64 you can try: (7e 00) 7e 00 d4 ca 50
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