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HBC-00019: Fluid Dynamics 101 by ½-bit Cheese [web]


         _   __        _     _ _      ____ _
        / | / /__     | |__ (_) |_   / ___| |__   ___  ___ ___  ___
        | |/ /_  )____| '_ \| | __| | |   | '_ \ / _ \/ _ \ __|/ _ \
        |_/ / / /_____| |_) | | |_  | |___| | | |  __/  __\__ \  __/
         /_/ /___|    |_.__/|_|\__|  \____|_| |_|\___|\___|___/\___|

                         ___  _______
                        /   \/   (_) \
                       / _            \
                     _/ (_) _____      \
                    //     ´     \      \
                   //      |    .´       \
                   |\      ¨\__'_./       \
                   | \                ()   \    :::  1/2 - B I T   C H E E S E
                   |  \_____________________\
                   |  |                     |   :::  HBC.MANUJARVINEN.COM
                   |  |         _____,      |
             ,     |()|        /      \     |   :::  RELEASE 00019
            <_'    |  |       '        '    |
                   |  |       |     *  |    |   :::  FLUID DYNAMICS 101
          ___      |  |        \. ,'  /     |
         /___'      \ |         `----'      |   :::  ASSEMBLY '19
        /    ?       \|                     |
         ----'    _   '_____________________'


                                     C R E W:

      Bercon       | HBC           |  Code, Graphics, Speech?

                                     T H A N K S:

      - HBC crew
      - Family

                                     I N F O:

      Runs best on Chrome.

      Also tested on Opera, Safari and Firefox.

      To run, mount folder with the html file to web server. Open file listing
      on browser and click the html file to run the intro. Opening URL
      directly without use action (clicking the link) prevents audio or speech
      from playing due to ad/popup protections in modern browsers.

      To run without a web server, you can open Chrome using command line
      options that allow drag'n'droping html file on it. Use
      "start_chrome_with_security_off.bat" to open Chrome with these settings
      or follow instructions below.

      The two protections that can be disabled to run the intro straight from
      html file without web servers or clicking a link:
        1. Cross origin protection that prevents reading from "tainted" canvas.
           This is caused by running straight from file:// address and not
           web server. If you are server file from web server, you can ignore
        2. Auto play is disabled unless user interacts with the web page. This
           You can fix by clicking around.

      Create Chrome shortcut with options:

      The first and second disable the cross origin protection. Third line
      disables the auto play block. Auto play block can also be changed from
      Chrome settings, by navigating to "chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy" and
      selecting "No gesture is required". The security cannot be disabled from
      browser settings and must be done through shortcut options or by serving
      file through web server.

      Start Chrome from shortcut with the 3 options enabled and you can
      drag'n'drop the index.html file into Chrome from Explorer and it should
      play with no interaction required.

      - Bercon

                                     G R E E T S:

                                     LLB / Ctrl-Alt-Test
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