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Amiga Demo Launcher by Resistance [web]

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                    .::      : R-E-S-I-S-T-A-N-C-E :     ::. :
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                      :: p.r.O.U.d.l.y..p.R.E.S.E.n.t.s: :
                      :            _   _   _             :
                      /.                                 .
                     ::   Amiga Demo Launcher v1.6 beta  ::  :
                      :   -----------------------------  :
                     ::               _  _               ::
                      /                                  :
                     :: Requirements..020+/OS2.04+/1MB+  ::  .
                     :                                    :
                .    ::                                  ::
                 \::::: Released.on.........o1.june.2o19 :::::.
            .   ..\...:                                  :...../.
         '  _\    _\. :                                  :    /   .
  .:........\     \...:                                  :.../_  /_........:.
   :         .     \                                          /   /        :
   /                                                         .   /
  ::::::::::: gEnErAl infOrmAtion ::..  .     .                .
   :                           Amiga Demo Launcher
   ::                                                                      .
   :                                                                       :
   :   Amiga Demo Launcher (ADL) is an application to replay executable    :
   :   file demos from a playback queue.                                   : 
   :                                                                       :
   :   Some featues:                                                       :
   :                                                                       :
   :   - replays many old OCS file demos on an AGA Amiga with a 68060 CPU. :
   :                                                                       :
   :   - single playback queue entries can be also created directly.       :
   :                                                                       :
   :   - supports a reset device created by Yulquen74 which is connected   :
   :   at the serial port of your Amiga, it counts down a given playtime   :
   :   and does a hardware reset if it reached the end value. After that,  :
   :   the next demo will be fetched out of the playback queue and get     :
   :   played.                                                             :
   :                                                                       :
   :   For more information, read the guide file which should be included  :
   :   within this archive.                                                :
   :                                                                       :
   :   For any questions, tips & hints refer to our Support Forum:         :      
   :                                                                       :
   :        https://www.amigalife.org/index.php?board=21.0                 :
   :                                                                       :
   /                .                                                      /
  .:.......::........\.                              ./....................:.
   :       ::         \   \            .           . /                     :
           ::      .:._\  _\.........::.::......../ /....:..
           :'       : \   \                        /.    :                 .
           :      .::  '   \ : rElEASe..cREdits :        ::.
                    :      ------------------------      :
                    /   code.................. Dissident :
           :       :.   script/hardware....... Yulquen74 :
                    :   idea/testing/etc...... 4pLaY     :
           .        :                  _                 :
                    :                .d$b.               :
                    :                KARMA               :
              .    //::              `Φ$Θ'             ::\\    .
               \     ::                ¿               ::     /   .
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       .:. .....\....:  please,.put.your.DD.3,5".into:  :    /... .:.
                 `  .:  - - --------------------- -  -  :.      .
           ' '':::::::  .  http://www.resistance.no  .  :::::::' '
                  .::::::       /                    ::::::.
                     :  :      / - - - - - - - \     :  :
       - = ascii:..sim1/lamers.resistance.theloop.titan.wanted.team = -
                     :  :    //                 \\   :  :
                       .:   .'       - - -        .  :.
                        ::                          ::
                         : > use AMIGATOPAZ fonts < :

                                      "*"    ...it's for YOU,
                                       _             dear reader.
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