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Hardwood by Saksalainen Laatu

 :                       :
 :   Saksalainen         :
 :             Laatu     :
 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 .                       .
 . the german demo force .
 . from finland          .
 . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 =>  at Assembly 2018  <=

     H A R D W O O D

 A 64k production about
 things that wood can't do.

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 Using Mercury's Hydrazine
 tool by cupe, las, red and

 Visuals by urs
 Music   by urs

 No person with actual
 woodworking skill was
 involved in the creation of
 the visuals, although
 plentiful constructive
 criticism and complaints
 about lack of realism came
 from people that do. Thank
 you, sgz and cupe.
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