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Triptych 99% by wamma [web] & Trilobit [web] & XAYAX

  _____     _       _              _        ___   ___ _  __
 |_   _| __(_)_ __ | |_ _   _  ___| |__    / _ \ / _ (_)/ /
   | || '__| | '_ \| __| | | |/ __| '_ \  | (_) | (_) |/ / 
   | || |  | | |_) | |_| |_| | (__| | | |  \__, |\__, / / 
   |_||_|  |_| .__/ \__|\__, |\___|_| |_|    / /   / / /_
             |_|        |___/               /_/   /_/_/(_)


   An answer by SvOlli to the cry for help from Trilobit

A demo compiliation containing the following releases:

- Triptych_Preview by Trilobit
- Tricade by Trilobit
- Tom/Jones by Trilobit
- Hard by wAMMA
- Gehirn by wAMMA
- (Core) by wAMMA
- Lasertime by wAMMA

This version runs in both Stella and on the Harmony Cartridge. It can be also
produced as a cartridge by AtariAge. (Guaranteed for Melody Board, might work
with their cheaper EPROM board also. Technically: it is necessary that after
power on, that the first bank is selected.)

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