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the mirage compendium 4 by Mirage

                               ³  The Mirage Compendium  í  Volume Four ³
                               ³     [Covering October and November]    ³
                               ³                                        ³
                               ³  Release Date       : December, 6 1992 ³
                               ³  Total Ansis        : 38               ³
                               ³  Total VGAs         :  5               ³
                               ³  Total Files        : 44               ³
                               ³  Total Bytes        : 841,235          ³
                               ³  Total Bytes Zipped : 352,005          ³
     ³  NOTES:    Mirage Graphic Designs was founded on 10/20/91 by  ³
     ³  Kaska F. Kaska  in Castro Valley,  CA, and  went public  on  ³
     ³  1/15/92, also the  birtdate  of Dr. Martin  Luther King Jr.  ³
     ³  The purpose  of this organization is to create a service to  ³
     ³  the various bulletin boards and user groups out there, free  ³
     ³  of  charge.  The  Mirage Compendium  was first  packaged on  ³
     ³  6/1/92,  and  represents the  entire  collection of  Mirage  ³
     ³  graphics.  Additional  volumes will be released bi-monthly.  ³
     ³  If you wish to  request a Mirage ANSI or VGA, do so at your  ³
     ³  nearest Mirage affiliate  system, and become a  part of the  ³ ÄÄÄÄÄ
     ³  new legacy.                                                  ³      ³
                ³                                                           ³
                ³  Mirage Designs  merged  with  License to  Draw [LTD] on  ³
                ³  9/5/92,  an ANSI/VGA group  out of Georgia state.  On a  ³
                ³  later date, 9/13/92,  a small known  but talented group  ³
                ³  named House, also merged with Mirage.  With the mergers  ³
                ³  came many  talented graphists,  some of whose works are  ³
                ³  featured in this package.                                ³
                ³                                                           ³

 ³ No ³ Filename.Ext ³   Size ³ Description                 ³ Artist
 ³0   ³ MIRAGE04 NFO ³   7701 ³ Dox of ùThe Compendiumù     ³ N/A
 ³1   ³ BZ-DNDM  MIR ³  12626 ³ Bonners Domain              ³ BeeZ
 ³2   ³ BZ-FSION MIR ³   2809 ³ FUSiON Logo                 ³ BeeZ
 ³3   ³ BZ-LTCB  MIR ³   4294 ³ 'lectric Blue Logo          ³ BeeZ
 ³4   ³ BZ-SOUTH MIR ³   6698 ³ Southern Comfort            ³ BeeZ
 ³5   ³ DE-4AD   MIR ³  16655 ³ 4AD                         ³ Dreamevil
 ³6   ³ DE-BTROR MIR ³  16788 ³ Beyond The Realm of Reality ³ Dreamevil
 ³7   ³ DE-DA    MIR ³  13312 ³ Disaster Area               ³ Dreamevil
 ³8   ³ DE-FIG   MIR ³  12708 ³ Figmants Place              ³ Dreamevil
 ³9   ³ DE-GT    MIR ³   8704 ³ Goth Teck                   ³ Dreamevil
 ³10  ³ DE-SI    MIR ³  12416 ³ Sudden Impact               ³ Dreamevil
 ³11  ³ DE-TDRE  MIR ³  21189 ³ Twisted Dreams              ³ Dreamevil
 ³12  ³ DJ-INN   MIR ³  21376 ³ Inn of the last home        ³ Dr. Jekle (T)
 ³13  ³ DJ-PHILS MIR ³  10368 ³ Phils Place                 ³ Dr. Jekle (T)
 ³14  ³ DJ-SHORT MIR ³   4224 ³ Short Circut                ³ Dr. Jekle (T)
 ³15  ³ DJ-STATE MIR ³   6400 ³ State of Develution         ³ Dr. Jekle (T)
 ³16  ³ DJ-SURRL MIR ³   6144 ³ Surreal Visions             ³ Dr. Jekle (T)
 ³17  ³ DN-MODE  MIR ³   5827 ³ Mode 101                    ³ Desolation
 ³18  ³ FN-RIPX  MIR ³   1535 ³ RIP X Logo               (1)³ FusioN
 ³19  ³ FN-RIPXM MIR ³   3149 ³ RIP X Logo               (2)³ FusioN
 ³20  ³ FN-OBV/2 MIR ³    979 ³ Oblivion/2 Logo             ³ FusioN
 ³21  ³ FN-WEEKN MIR ³   1112 ³ Weekly News                 ³ FusioN
 ³22  ³ GW-MIRAG MIR ³ 262184 ³ MiRAGE Takin' Care o Bussine³ G. Washington
 ³23  ³ GW-STEEL MIR ³  13547 ³ Living Steel                ³ G. Washington
 ³24  ³ IC-SR    MIR ³  10368 ³ Shocking Reality            ³ Icy
 ³25  ³ LG-BITUS MIR ³  22396 ³ Banned In the USA           ³ Logan
 ³26  ³ MB-METAL EXE ³  83377 ³ Metal Additcion             ³ Mr.Brownstone
 ³27  ³ MB-SPASM EXE ³  15088 ³ Spasmotron                  ³ Mr.Brownstone
 ³28  ³ MI-BOG   MIR ³   8531 ³ The Bog                     ³ KFK and GW
 ³29  ³ MX-MAR   EXE ³  15395 ³ The Maurader's Hideout      ³ Malcom/X
 ³30  ³ MX-SUB   EXE ³  58570 ³ Suburbia                    ³ Malcom/X
 ³31  ³ PM-NAIS1 MIR ³  10548 ³ New Avalon Institute of Scie³ Paul Muad'Dib
 ³32  ³ PM-TTMH  MIR ³   5179 ³ The Texus Madhouse          ³ Paul Muad'Dib
 ³33  ³ PN-TZU   EXE ³  31160 ³ TZU                         ³ Poseidon
 ³34  ³ RN-ACID  MIR ³   2325 ³ ACiD Logo (coughcough)      ³ REN
 ³35  ³ RN-BIT4  MIR ³   5121 ³ Banned in the USA           ³ REN
 ³36  ³ RN-KM    MIR ³   6105 ³ Korova Milkbar              ³ REN
 ³37  ³ RN-SANCT MIR ³  12829 ³ Sanctuary(tfuckingm)        ³ REN
 ³38  ³ RN-SI    MIR ³  11971 ³ Sudden Impact               ³ REN
 ³39  ³ SK-MENU  MIR ³   3352 ³ Shitty Menu from HardWired  ³ Shihear Kallizad
 ³40  ³ SK-NAIS  MIR ³  13273 ³ New Avalon Institute of Scie³ Shihear Kallizad
 ³41  ³ SK-SANC  MIR ³  44654 ³ Sanctuary(tfuckingm)        ³ Shihear Kallizad
 ³42  ³ TX-MIRA  MIR ³   3997 ³ MiRAGE                      ³ THX (T)
 ³43  ³ VD-FLIP  MIR ³   4296 ³ Flipside                    ³ Vlad Drac
GREETS: MiRAGE Members, not wanting to bring anyone down on such an up-   ³
        beat occasion as this, I just want to say that I place alot of    ³
        the burder for our lack of production for November squarely on    ³
        MY shoulders, but with only *8* pieces that I'm aware of for the  ³
        month, I HAVE to ask: What's happened to the motivation and pride ³
        of you guys?  ANYway, nice job Dreamevil and Beez for putting     ³
        out a bunch of really nice material.                              ³
        iCE, Legacy, ACiD, atleast someone had a good month. ;)           ³
PERSONALS: Captain Kaos, get a real name for your board. ;)               ³
           KFK, WHERE ARE YOU?!  You're supposed to being doing this!!!   ³
           G. Washington, WHERE ARE YOU?!  'putter broke again?           ³
           Crushed Ice, is Sudden Impact down for good? (sniff)           ³
           Rico', you'll do the December/January Compendium, right? ;)    ³
           Tempus (tfuckingm) Thales, has the eagle landed yet?           ³
           Aviator, ... BWAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA...            ³
                         - Shihear Kallizad [MiRAGE Triumvirate]          ³
                           "Merry X-Mas to all, and to all a good         ³
                            fucking night..."                             ³
All material is (c)opyright 1992 Mirage Designs or the individual artists.

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