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Beginnings by Proximity

    ___                             __              __   _              
   F _ ", _ ___    ____     _   _   LJ   _ _____    LJ  FJ_     _    _  
  J `-' |J '__ ", F __ J   J \ / F      J '_  _ `,     J  _|   J |  | L 
  |  __/F| |__|-J| |--| |   \ ' /   FJ  | |_||_| |  FJ | |-'   | |  | | 
  F |__/ F L  `-'F L__J J  .' . `. J  L F L LJ J J J  LF |__-. F L__J J 
 J__|   J__L    J\______/FJ__/:\__LJ__LJ__L LJ J__LJ__L\_____/ )-____  L
 |__L   |__L     J______F |__/ \__||__||__L LJ J__||__|J_____FJ\______/F
                      --- B E G I N N I N G S ---              J______F 
                             presented at
                 T H E   G A T H E R I N G   2 0 1 7

digitalerr0r // sabotender
Music by: Pete Brown, https://soundcloud.com/psychlist1972

Thanks to:
ferris, Miu, duckers, kusma, gloom, lug00ber, sesse, zokum, datsua, karro133e, helene, JoMs, TG creativia++ !
nehe.gamedev.net, learnopengl.com and everyone else who writes free tutorials and articles.

Logicoma, Outracks, nocturnal, PlayPsyCo, lightcore, Indigo, Kvasigen, Krillbite, rootkids,
Nazareth, Excess, YUP, Fairlight, Aardbei, keyboarders, haujobb, cncd, cocoon, still, conspiracy
farbrausch, odd, Ninjadev

Thanks for watching!
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