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Buster BBS (3) by Synergy Design

				   i                            \
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		 - --D * E * S * I * G * N-- -      /
      _ __ ________________________________________/

	   - -- ---*) What The Computer Was Invented For (*--- -- -

		     ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄ ù ú      ú ù ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ·
³                    ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ù ú      ú ù ÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ                      ³
³                                                                            ³
í ÄÄÄÄÄ E D I T O R A L ÄÄÄÄÄ Ä - ù ú                                        ³
³                                                                            ³
³ This intro is a simple one , no hard coding , purely done for pleasure and ³
³ design. Sometimes the demo shakes...but what the heck...this is a rapid-in-³
³ one release. Hope you like the pictures made by The Undertaker. The HSC    ³
³ replay routine was provided by Chicken, converted to C by TBone.           ³
³                                                                            ³
³ I didn't know who made the music, till dark inventor told me the musical   ³
³ piece was composed by Silent Mode.. Sounds nice to me.                     ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Ah and yes, this intro was actually made for buster, but if you look       ³
³ closely, not much is mentioned in the intro about BUSTER itself, but just  ³
³ call and see:)                                                             ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Personal Greets from Retard Ed are flying to.........                      ³
³                                                                            ³
³       Zuul Design from France (I like your style ! GREEEAAAT!!)            ³
³       Pfusuus (Love to ski those Swiss Alps !)                             ³
³       WhiteFiend (...and I think you would like to ski 'em too !)          ³
³       Lord Cyrix (I hope Party 3 will be a success!)                       ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                    Retard Ed [12/93]       ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
í ÄÄÄÄÄ M E M B E R L I S T ÄÄÄÄÄ Ä - ù ú                                    ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³  Retard Ed      [Coder & Organisor] (24)                                   ³
³  Dark Inventor  [Public Relations & Sysop] (18)                            ³
³  FastJack       [Coder] (19)                                               ³
³  T.R.A.P.       [Coder] (19)                                               ³
³  The Undertaker [Graphician/Musician] (19)                                 ³
³  Serial Vision  [Graphician/Musician] (24)                                 ³
³  Zorlock        [Graphician] (20)                                          ³
³  Sauron         [Graphician] (19)                                          ³
³  Blue Adonis    [Musician] (26)                                            ³
³  Gryzor         [Musician] (20)                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³  As you can see, Joey and Lord Helmet are no longer amongst us.            ³
³                                                                            ³
í ÄÄÄÄÄ R E L E A S E S ÄÄÄÄÄ Ä - ù ú                                        ³
³                                                                            ³
³  HOW..HOWúúúNovú1992úúIntroducing Intro (Released under Twilight Zone'92)  ³
³  DEJAVUúúúúúMayú1993úúMultiPart Demo                                       ³
³  SD_SCRLúúúúJunú1993úúHow to code Scrollers + Executables                  ³
³  SD_PLASMúúúJunú1993úúHow to code Plasma's + Executables                   ³
³  LENZDOCúúúúJulú1993úúCoding Information about LenzePart in Dejavu         ³
³  RAVE-EXPúúúSepú1993úúIntroducing Tro upcoming Musicdisk: Rave Explosion   ³
³  METALúúúúúúOctú1993úúBBS Intro for Metal Impact BBS                       ³
³                                                                            ³
³  Upcoming Releases: Synergy Design is kicking ass..                        ³
³                     Soon free downloadable from the distro sites:          ³
³                                                                            ³
³       úù> INTRO     some intros for BuSTER BBS [Expected for Dec 1993]     ³
³       úù> MUSICDISK called THE RAVE EXPLOSION  [Expected for Jan 1994]     ³
³       úù> INTRO     an introducing intro for the upcoming game             ³
³       úù> GAME      <wait and see!>                                        ³
³       úù> INTRO     an introducing intro for the upcoming diskmagazine     ³
³       úù> DISKMAG   small but cool magazine about pc scene, rave & fun     ³
³                                                                            ³
³  As you can see are not planning to make a demo in the near future, but    ³
³  this doesn't mean we won't release one in the second part of 1994! :)     ³
³                                                                            ³
í ÄÄÄÄÄ D I S T R I B U T I O N ÄÄÄÄÄ Ä - ù ú                                ³
³                                                                            ³
³    ....BuSTER BBS.......[WHQ]...+32-53-772385......Dark Inventor...        ³
³    ....End Of Time......[USHQ]..+1-803-855-0783....Holy Water......        ³
³    ....The Firm.........[GHQ]...+49-40-6482146.....Dr.BoBo.........        ³
³                                                                            ³
³    ....Wonderland.......[SITE]..+41-644-73046......Pfusuus.........        ³
³    ....Magican..........[SITE]..+49-421-4841163....Byte............        ³
³    ....Chaotic Visions..[SITE]..+358-427-14528.....Venom...........        ³
³    ....Illusion.........[SITE]..+46-18-260565......Zed.............        ³
³    ....House Adonis.....[SITE]..+32-53-212213......Blue Adonis.....        ³
³                                                                            ³
³    If you want your board to become an SD distribution site, write         ³
³    to Dark Inventor at one of the disros listed above.                     ³
³                                                                            ³
í ÄÄÄÄÄ C O N T A C T ÄÄÄÄÄ Ä - ù ú                                          ³
³                                                                            ³
³    -=> SD WHQ                                                              ³
³    P.O.BOX 35                                                              ³
³    9300 AALST                                                              ³
³    BELGIUM-EU   Fax: +32-53-787253 or +32-53-772385.                       ³
³                                                                            ³

	Here ya still have the good old group greetings..

	The Vangelis Team
	Future Crew
	Silents PC
	Anarchy PC
	The Raider Brothers
	Imphobia Crew
	Cascada Demo Section
	Twilight Zone
	The Toxic Zombies
	Sonic PC
	Legend Design
	Access Denied
	Black Rain
	Tragedy (Amiga)
	Black Design 

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