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2 my Jazz by Industry [web]

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i N D U S T R Y     presents       >>  2 My Jazz <<

                        a PalmOS demo
        code:           cYBORG ( Nemanja Bondzulic )
        gfx:            jAILBIRD ( Arnold Chistai )
                        jAMON ( Dragan Jakovljevic )

	requirements:	PalmOS 3.5+, 8bit+ color screen, ~300kb RAM

                for real palm hardware users:
                select both, 2myJazz.prc and 2myJazz.pdb, files and then sync.
                for palm emulator users:
                install both, 2myJazz.prc and 2myJazz.pdb, files, then go to
                Settings/Debugging menu and make sure that "Hardware register access"
                option is unchecked!
                then watch it :)   
                       (c)2002 iNDUSTRY - www.indus3.org
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