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speech by Red Sector Inc. [web]

; Speech synthesis in 115 bytes by olivier.poudade.free.fr 2013
;  based on Microsoft's Speech Application Programming Interface
;   tested on "out of the box" XP SP3 
;    synopsis : speech.com hello world
; >fasm speech.asm
; flat assembler  version 1.70.03  (786431 kilobytes memory)
; 2 passes, 125 bytes.
;  size=125 bytes
;   size=123 bytes if replace : vocoder1 db vocoder2-$-2,"cscript ~.vbs|del ~.*",0dh
;    size=115 bytes if replace : vocoder1 db vocoder2-$-2,"cscript ~.vbs",0dh  
; Greets to Dark Bit Factory (DBF) forum members - www.dbfinteractive.com - from Baudsurfer
_sp      equ     02eh                ; 2eh-2fh word SP on entry to last int 21h call (internal cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Program_Segment_Prefix)                    
_ss      equ     030h                ; 30h-31h word SS on entry to last int 21h call (internal cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Program_Segment_Prefix)
	 org     100h                ; start after PSP as binary
         mov     si,080h             ; si=080h start of DTA, [080h]=number of bytes on command-line
         lodsb                       ; si=081h start of 127-byte command-line
         add     [vocoder3],al       ; -2 strips final len(commandstring)+CR of vocoder4 command-line
         mov     cl,al               ; cl=al=[081h]=number of bytes on command-line (terminated by a 00dh)
         mov     di,vocoder4         ; di=end of vocoder3 command-line
         rep     movsb               ; copy the cmdline arguments which is text to speak
         mov     si,vocoder2         ; vocoder2=tail of vocoder3 command-line
         mov     cl,vocoder3-vocoder2; cl=len(vocoder2)
         rep     movsb               ; copy vocoder2 string at tail of vocoder3
         call    vocoder             ; si already points to vocoder3
         mov     si,vocoder1         ; this last command-line cannot be merged to the previous one because of shell locked pipe flushing  
vocoder: mov     ah,04ah             ; function free memory for shell command.com execution 
         mov     bl,020h             ; bl=32 paragraphs=512 bytes(psp+128+vocoder4 overlay)=what to reduce our process to vs. 64k allocated to all .com files
         int     21h                 ; general dos interrupt
         mov     [_sp],sp            ; necessary : int 2eh trashes stack pointer
         int     02eh                ; function pass command to command interpreter fir execution (cf. http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-4248.htm) 
         push    cs                  ; necessary : int 2eh trashes data segment
         pop     ds                  ; ds=cs necessary : int 2eh trashes data segment 
         mov     ss,[_ss]            ; necessary : int 2eh trashes stack segment, 030h-031h=ss on entry to last int 21h call (here was function 04ah)
         mov     sp,[_sp]            ; lss sp,[_ss] unusable because _sp !=2eh :(
         ret                         ; return back to shell
vocoder1 db vocoder2-$-2,"cscript ~.vbs|del ~.vbs",0dh                                               ;Offset Size Description (Table 02585) DOS commandline
vocoder2 db 22h,">~.vbs",0dh                                                                         ;001h   var  command-line
vocoder3 db vocoder4-$+vocoder1-vocoder2-2,"echo createobject(",22h,"SAPI.SpVoice",22h,").Speak",22h ;000h   byte len(command-line) excluding trailing CR
vocoder4:                                                                                            ;xxxh   byte 00dh (CR)
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