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Debut by Fraction

                         INFO ON DEBUT
1. Starting the intro
   If ya want GUS music run start.exe else just run debut.exe. If it's too slow
   remove EMM if present and try again.

2. Credits
   Code:   Dosjumper:        R.i.P.
           Vobler/Crossfade: SkyWalker
           Plasma:           SkyWalker
           Writer:           Spice
           Fire:             R.i.P.
           SlimeRotate:      SkyWalker
   Grafix:                   Hippo / Fullmar Design
   Music:                    Sulphur / Orange

3. Personal greetings
   SkyWalker: Simm / Abstract Concept
              Black Artist
              Gimle / sYmptom
              Hippo / Fullmar Design
              Sulphur / Orange
              Skaven / FC
              Mr. MegeSuugTratt / Lithanyx
              PizzaFace / Lithanyx
              Everyone on #coders
              And all the others that I've forgot.. :)

  Hmm.. there doesn't seem to be much more personal greetings..

4. Conclusion by SkyWalker
   It's been quite interesting working on this intro despite that its half a
   late. I'm just sorry that Spice left us.
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