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Kheshkhash by Scenic & Encore

                       ________             ____________
               _______\\      /_______ ____\\      __  //_ _ _
                _________ __________ /_\ ______   (__)_______
               _)   ____/_\_.o   __/.   .\  . /---.__  o  __/.
               \  .     o   |  . |  |___|___. .  o| .|   .|  |
               /______ .   _|_______|.  __ o|_____|  |_______|
                )_________\ __ _ _\   _____|   /____|lov/lot
               \\::scenic::::\   /________\ :::::::::::::::://

                                [31 mar 2002]

                          ·  "Encore + Scenic"   ·
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                          |     -  amiga -       |
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                          ¦                      ¦
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 ___ _ _                      
  release information       
 .-\/----------------------------------------------------------------- -  - :
 |                                                                          |
 | competition.. : demo-competition      add. note.. : thanks to Mavey^ptn, |
 | title........ : Kheshkhash            ........... : without your machine |
 | author[s].... : Encore+Scenic         ..........  : the demo would not   |
 | contact...... : [fusko@online.no]     ........... : have been finished   |
 !                 [mdw2@wp.pl           ........... : in time :)           !   
 : -  - -------------------------)       (--------------------------|     |-'                
    Programming : Mdw^encore
    Gfx: caro, critikill, fusko, mantra, mime, pix, spark, splif
    Music : jazzcat^appenix

    Amiga, PowerPC, 3D acc with min 8mb of gfx mem, alot of MB free RAM
    WarpOS, CyberGraphX, Warp3D (version 4.2+), StormMESA (OpenGL), AHI

    To run the demo in a WB-window, choose "Start-window" file.
    To run teh demo on a seperate screen, choose "Start-screen" file.
    To quit the demo simply push the ESC key 

    Starting the demo is easy - just doubleklick on the start_screen.info
    and follow the 
    Sound                 : Echo must be enabled (in the advanced 
    Resolution            : 640*480, 16bit is recomended

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                              mdw - mdw2@wp.pl
                          caro - caro@pertus.com.pl


                fusko ...................... fusko@online.no
                pix ...................... pixmoo@tiscali.no
                orome ........................... ove@cvg.no
                critikill ............... critikill@azuma.de
                caro .................... caro@pertus.com.pl
                java ........ magnus@uds.se/mhemma@telia.com
                splif....................... splif@bwoup.com
                mantra........................ mantra@ids.pl
                mime............... mime_grid@poczta.onet.pl
                spark......................... spark@msys.pl

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