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NC05-Tickles by Napalm Core

*                                     *
*           NC05-Tickles              *
*                                     *
* Fast Demo Compo for Inercia'05-2010 *
*              @ LCD                  *
*                by                   *
*            NAPALMCORE               *
*                                     *
* This was a prod done in less than a *
* day, the music was from a sample    *
* pack used for the fast wild compo.  *
* The demo runs at 30FPS on a GMA950  *
* which is the most common GPU in the *
* EEEPC and other netbooks.           *
* Requires Win32,DX9.0, support of    *
* 2.0 shaders and render targets.     *
* The resolution can be configured in *
* the data/config.xml file, no GUI    *
* this time sorry :(                  *
*                                     *
*       Graphics & Programming        *
*            Zeroshift                *
*                                     *
*              Music                  *
*             Mosaik                  *
*                                     *
*            Greetings                *
*                                     *
*   Stravaganza, Software Failure,    *
*  Volumetric Illusions, Farbrausch   *
*    TPOLM, Moppi, HBC, Fairlight     *      
*                                     *
*  Kudos for the people at the party  *
* LCD People, evil, gr9yfox, xrl, ps, *
*     jeenio, ham, exe, jae, coxos    *
*            breakneck                *
*                                     *
*             and you                 *
*                                     *
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