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The Bull Shit

Short:        Oldschool Amiga Demo
Author:       noIdea@mailbox.sk
Uploader:     NOiDEA <noIdea mailbox sk>
Type:         demo/ecs
Requires:     ECS Chipset, 68000 CPU, 1MB CHIP
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Aminet

This is my very first demo, and I'm afraid it very last one too. :-(
This demo was done only to release some of my old routines.
I never release it, because I was depressed with Amiga's destiny.
But I'm not able to forget, so this is an attempt to close one part of my history.
This demo is dedicated to everyone who can't forget Amiga's Gold age.

It consist of VectorBalls, Filled Vectors, Lighted Vectors, Glenz,
Dot tunnels and Dot Sphere, some nice Plazma,
very speed Bitmap Transformations, deformations,
and one very fast bitmat ZOOM :-) (I hope I've broken some world record :-)),
next Bitmap rotations with processor and copper, rubbered backgrounds
and finally an excelent title scroller (I've never seen similar one before).

Look for NON RECURSIVE QUICK SORT alghoritm ... The very speedest implmentation of quick sort I've ever seen.
Check my bitmat ZOOM and !!!! REAL !!! 12220 point in action on 68000. If it is not WORLD RECORD, than ... :-)

So, have a nice experience with my lame production.


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