Yet Another Bytetro by The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation [web]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ) /____ ) ___/______) __/______) __/______ / _____/___/___________ / / / / / / / / / / / / / \________________(_________________(_________________(_____________mcl_( . tHE sIRIUS cYBERNET!CS cORPORATION . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= yET aNOTHER bYTEtRO =- hi dudes ! once again, it's ray presenting you some new bytetro-crap...this time it's 506 bytes of code (538 bytes - 32 bytes header). as you may notice soon this shows a tunnel holding a little surprise, so please don't press reset after watching the first 2 seconds, as i mentioned after ~3 seconds you should be surprised - if only a little :). as you might know, a tube involves an atan calculation and as i am not using the fpu, this was kind of a hard task. i guess that's all to say about it, have fun ! requirements/specs.: -Atari Falcon or TT (ST with PAK should do as well) -Fastram supported -tested with MiNT/N.AES, TOS 3.06 -you need to reset to exit please report bugs to "". greetings: - my crewmates (sorry for bothering with bytetros, i know i should do diffrent stuff - but this one was the last one, at least for the next few month ;) ) - evil - the whole scene actually... long live Atari ! o1-29-o2 ray//.tSCc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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