Badass5000 by Spaceballs [web]
So, we did it again. Hidihidhiho etc..... More really-really-small OCS-stuff from us, and this time the "music" won't cause severe damage to your ears (it's still rather annoying though...). If you feel like it, you might call this NoiseJesus 2, but then I guess we'd call all Loaderror's 4k's "Big - Reassemly nr.X".... The code from NoiseJesus was heavily size-optimized, the tunnels & texturecalculations were heavily improved, the noisegenerator was replaced by a soundgenerator (I'm really sorry Duck-hunter, I PROMISE to use it again!), and that's about it. I also got a lot of assistance from the mighty J-Run, who does his stuff better than anyone else! Slummy / Spaceballs (
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