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Fred Editor v0.9 by Frederic Hahn

                    Unofficial Doc file for FredEd V0.9

        This textfile is made by Stein Erik Giske & Jogeir Liljedahl. 


The main Screen:
Key commands: 	F1-F9 selects song number from 0 to 10
		Escape toggles between Trck Ed. and Patt. Ed
		Fastkeys are: 	RightAmiga+ J in track ed for Jump
				-----"----- S -----"--------- STOP

Instruments can be selected by pressing the instrument number with your
mouse. Actual Instrument will show in the little box below the instrument

Editing a pattern:
Octaves 1-5 press the F-keys from 1 to 5!
Space will stop a sound.

First you have to choose which pattern to edit. That will be done in
TrackEd under Patt, write the number of the pattern to be edited and press
escape. You are now in the Patt. Ed., editing the selected pattern. Edit
mus be on to edit anything, the selected instrument will be played unless.
Now the pattern edit pull down menu can be used. The pattern will not
scroll while playing, but you can do that youself by using the directional
keys. (Up, down) Do not hold it down too long, coz it will make a sort of
endless keyrepeat (and then...arghh..etc.). 

How to use the effects in the pattern editor. Portamento can be set by
pressing the rightAmiga+B, but first you have to do a couple of things: Set
the start note ¹ then set the destination note ² on the decided position.
This will be the note to bend to and how fast to bend to, depending on the
lenght between the start note and the end note!
Then go up again to the startnote and press RightAmiga+B ³

		    	pos note ins effect
			000 ---  000 ------------etc.
		¹	001 c-3  003 ------------etc.
			002 ---  000 ------------etc.
		²	003 f-3  003 ------------etc.
			004 ---  000 ------------etc.

			000 ---  000 ------------etc.
		³	001 c-3  003 portamento--etc.
			002 ---  000 ------------etc.
			003 f-3  003 ------------etc.
			004 ---  000 ------------etc.

There is a command that can be edited by pressing the backspace '<--' key.
That is PSE (Pause) it will make a instrument that loops without an end to
stop looping. e.g.

			000 ---  000 ------------etc.
			001 c-4  005 ------------etc.
			002 ---  000 ------------etc.
              Backspace 003 PSE  000 ------------etc.
			004 ---  000 ------------etc.

To indicate that you will set an END of a pattern, press RightAmiga + E.

Now to the pulldown menues:

       Patterns     This is the main screen!
       Instruments  Enters the instrument edit screen!

Instrument Editor:

Now you can load instrument (Which is a previously saved freded waveform)
or load sampled sound (which is an IFF sampled sound)
into selected instrument number, choosed from the main screens instrument
number window.

After you have loaded it, you must tell the prog. what it is from the
pulldown menu to the right side of it. In this case: Sampled sound.

Then the screen will be filled with parameters.

There is:

Volume (Volume of the sample)
Av which stands for Attack Value
Dv which stands for Delay Value
Rv which stands for Release Value

Then you have the normal ASDR

Attack Sustain Delay Release

The others are selfexplanatory.

To make a synthetic-waveform:

Choose which instrument from the instrument number listing, then enter the
instrument editor.

Now choose Puls waveform.

Then some new Parameters appear:

Rate - +
Sort of volume. Don't really know!

L Pos H

Lo and Hi position. How much the instrument should twist. If these are set
equal you can make a non-twisted instrument, like a straight lead!


How fast the twisting should be.

With shoot mode loop this can not be changed, the twist will just loop.

With shoot mode 000-127 you can select how much it should twist e.g.
075=twist 75 datas and the stop at 75. 000 no twisting, start at twist 000
and hold it there.

On Off

Whether the twisting should restart at every new keystrike or continue
looping or whatever.

Delay the twisting.

lenght of waveform 16, 32, 64 bytes?

16=high pitch (Acc)
32=mid pitch (lead)
64=lo pitch (bass)

To make an arpeggio, you can either edit them one by one, or edit them with
notes. But first you have to select the arpeggio count, and numbers of arps
will be hi-lited. Now if you press the Record Values gadget, you can play
the arpeggio onto the list. But press the first note twice. e.g. C-E-G-B-,
you will have to press C-C-E-G-B.

Sources to use:

Pack the file with PackerAsmone.s

Then use Replaytester3.s 3.1.s or replayex.s

About the replay routine.

It will be automatically packed in the tune and saved as another filename when
packing it with the packerasmone.s source

The mod. file should be played as showed in the replayex.s or replaytester3.s,

Look in the packerasmone.s file for info about fading, nexttune etc.!

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