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Phonkey by Artway [web]

 ___                                                                    ___ 
| _ |:::::::::::::::::::::P:::H:::O:::N:::K:::E:::Y::::::::::::::::::::| _ |
|  \                  ___  _____ _______ _ __ ___ __ __                 /  |
|   \      /\        / . \|  .  \  __/  | |  \ . \  |  \`07    /\      /   |
|[===>    <**>      /     \     /  \ \       /    \_   /      <**>    <===]|
|   /      \/       \__|__/__|__\__/  \__|__/__|__/___/ne      \/      \   |
| _/               -====================================-               \_ |

        [> :: fob :: jack :: killjoy :: nula :: raist :: wayne :: <]

[>> Released:

       8. VII. 2007 AW07 party Tachov / Czech Rep.

        _______________________________________________________ _____
      |\\    .-----.--. .--.-----.--. .--.--. .--.----..--.--. \\   +|
      | \\   |  .  |  |_|  |     |   \|  |  |/  /| __ /\  |  /  \\   |
      |  \\  |  ___|   _   |  O  |  | |  |     < | __|  |   |    \\  |
      |   \\ |  |  |  | |  |     |  |\   |  |\  \|    \ |   |     \\ |
      |+   \\`--'  `--' `--'-----'--' `--'--' `--'----' `---'      \\|
       ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[>> Requirments:

       Amiga 68k with at least AGA | OS 3.1 | 4MB RAM | 2MB HD space

[>> Good to have:

       68060 | FPU | oxypatcher | red ferarri | nice girl | `lot of money

[>> Used:

       Amiga | LightWave | PPaint | PT | Ed | `lot of time | and beers
       imagination | headache | PC WTF?!?

[>> About:
    -  Well I could say that this is maybe the best demo that we have done
       until yet.
    -  It's still miles away from prods of other amiga groups but I hope
       that we're gettin' better.)

    -  It sucked at BP07, last 9th place in the amiga demo compo. Fast fix
       was released shortly after party. You could still "enjoy" that
       horrible party version video from BP ftp. There were weird people
       which like it (side efect) LOL

    -  Final version was meant to be released at Maximum Overdose 8.
       But it wasn't realised due to obvious reason ,))

    -  Don't criticize us if you're watchin' it under UAE
       or if your A1200 has no accelerator ;)

    -  Nula did the nice music. Fob done those oldschool logos.
       Raist did some design for the scenes. Jack done those 3D objects.
       KillJoy support us with testin' and Wayne has done the rest

[>> End:

       Cheers to our group mates, (\/)|<R4808(\/) , all active sceners...
       ...and to all real amigans out there.
       See Ya next time (soon ? maybe ,)
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