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Rushes from Schizo by Idemline [web]

  /\ø   ______/\ø ___    
 /, \ _ø   ___  \/ _ \ø /\
//   / `  / _ \   / } \/ .\
\.  /  / / / \ \ / /  / ø \\
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\  \__} \______/`_____}   /
 \______________       ø / 
    !    !  !   `-Sine__/
         !         !
       \   /
      Rushes From SCHIZO
      ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹  ,by IDEMLINE...


  Well,it's just another GFA 3.5e St intro
  made by IDEMLINE in 1996.

  It works on ST and FALCON in low res.

  Rasters are not very stable due to the
  fact they should run on FALCON too...

  If you run it on falcon,you'll have
  to boot with <CONTROL>,because of
  the soundship rout..

  Code,graph,design : Sine/IDEMLINE
  Soundship PYRAMID


  When I decide to realise the schizo demo,
  the main objective was to build a full
  colored demo...with many old fashioned
  effects...in facts it had to be a little
  'PSYCHEDELIQUE'....(can also understand
  the name SCHIZO..) 

  So at the beginning was this intro the
  start of the schizo demo...but because of
  hard design difficulties I had to share
  the initial code in two parts: one for
  the real schizo demo,one for the WC...
  Unfortunately,the most spirit of the
  schizo demo diseapears with the WC files.

  When I finished the schizo,is was really
  different of what it was planned to be 
  at the beginning...  

  So,I did a demo,but not the real schizo..
  not the psychelique one...and for sure
  I won't do it because I didn't have enough
  effects for that...
  So after some time I decided to put all WC
  files together and try to do a decent work,
  not a demo,just some little things,with 
  the little effects I wanted to use.

  Today it's completly over....
  Hope you'll like it.   
                  - Sine/IDEMLINE/16.07.97 -

  This is freeware,so you can copy it freely..
  Please copy booth files RF_SCHIZ.DOC with


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