Alive #12 by Alive Team [web]
___________________________ |: // ___|_______ _________________|___ _\___ ;\ |___\ ;| \ ;|_____ ;/\ | , | \ ;|___| | | /___| \ |_______|_______|___|_______/_______|\| \ \ \ \ \ \ | \_al!ve_\_______\___\_______\___ltk_\| | | [m] [a] [g] [a] [z] [i] [n] [e] | | | iSSUE tWELFE | | | //__________________[01/01]_| Alive 12 is here, with a few days delay and NO intro but some cool stuff in the FILEZ folder, check it out dudes, I am too tired to write much more. Thanks to all guys who contributed or tried to contribute something. No worries if you didn't make it in the end, I know these are busy times around xmas... There are two versions of the shell on the disk called SHELL1MB and SHELL2MB. You can use the 1MB version for plain ST but don't try to switch to the MODfile replay. For Falcons or machines with more than 1MB use the 2MB shell. Due to some silly bug the shell might bomb (2 bombs) on exit, this is not really a new problem but it seems to show up only rarely, and only when you replay a MaxYMiser tune. We will try to track that bug down before the next issue. The next release will be after Outline I guess, so be prepared. And now, merry xmas and enjoy Alive 12 Alive Team
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