TBC #20 by The Bits Club [web]
sol of The BITS club presents... TBC #20 "Moire Squares Intro" .------------------------. |####xx +####xx +####xx +| |####xx+ ##BITS+ ####xx+ | |#### +xx#### +xx#### +xx| |####+ xx####+ xx####+ xx| |xx +####xx +####xx +####| |xx+ ####xx+ ####xx+ ####| | +xx#### +xx#### +xx####| |+ xx####+ xx####+ xx####| |Moire Squares 20051007| '------------------------' Shows a moiretized, psychodelic graphics effect. Coding.......................Byte Graphics.....................Pixel Music........................Atom Distribution.................Sol Download: http://so_o2.tripod.com/tbc20-STbin-20051007.zip Files: TBC20.txt this file. tbc20-STbin-20051003m.png screenshot. TBC20P.PRG for Atari 520ST. TBC20MP.PRG for Atari 1040ST & higher. Should also run in Atari STe. Visit BITS: http://so_o2.tripod.com/tbc.html
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