absolon by Venus Art & MadWizards [web]
Short: ABSOLON_PPC by VenusArt^Mawi - 3rd at Gravity`98 [1/3] Author: BJSEBO@DELTA.II.TUNIV.SZCZECIN.PL Uploader: ZORKA19@PUMA.TU.KOSZALIN.PL Type: demo/aga Requires: AGA, PPC, 32mb fastram. [sof!] ______________________ _ .\ // _ ______________________ |¯ \\ /. | ¯| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _____|__ | ____\ /_________ | ______________ / ___\_______ _|_______________ .\ ___ \ \ // _____/_______\ ___ / :::\\ _ \______\-------/ _ \\ _ / ::: \-------/_______\ \-----\ /\________\--/ ::: ________ _______/_________/ ::: ::: \ /__________\ ___ _/_________:::______ ::: / \\ \ _ / ::: absolon: \ \ /\________\--/ \ / _/ ::: \______\---------/ \-----/ \ ::: fairytale 2 /________/ `::........................................................::'az0!/l124 | | | | The Red, giant Star, Absolon, found in the constellation of Taurus, is the Eye of the bull. From the Arabic, AB SOLON, it means 'the follow' as it "follows" the Pleiades. This piece portaits Our future passing Absolon on the journey to new mind territories, continuing the migratory pattern which was so predominant on our own early history. | | We`re the pilgrims to forgotten squares of human mind... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___________ ____________| A B S O L O N .___________\ /____________. T H E D E M O | | | | | | friendly powerpc co-operation between Venus Art and MAd WIzards produced for the GRAVITY 3 demo competition | | | | | | |_ _| ·/_________________________\· bD!/L124 .____. ____ _______ .____ .____|____| ___ ______ / _/___.__\ _ /__J __/_ .____|_ |____./ _l_ ___._\ _/__ / \ | _) _/_\ ___(__| _/ | | ___) /| \_ / /_________|___\_____/___\_____|____l____|____|___\l _/_____/___/ \____\ Codework ............................................................... NOE Additional codework ................................................ BJ.SEBO | | | | Introduction Part Tune ("Beyond Reality", 8 channels) ................ VAGON Main Part tune ("Pulsating koloors", 8 channels) .................... REVISQ End Part Tune ("swirl", 4 channels) ................................. PROTAS | | | | 3-D Worlds & Objects ................................................ ZOLTAN Additional Objects Scene ........................................... BJ.SEBO | | | | Graphism One ("Mawi, "VenusArt", "Absolon", "Magic-remix98", "Wisp") .. FAME Graphism Two ("Cyberparrot", "Wood") ................................. GRASS Graphism Three ("Fantazy") .......................................... INSANE | | | | Textures ............................................................ ZOLTAN Additional Textures .................................................... DEF Cliparts & Additional Graphics ...................................... AZZARO | | | | Art Directing ....................................................... AZZARO | | | | |_ _| ·/_________________________\· ___________________________ .\ /. |¯ ¯| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _____. ____________|____ _____ ________| ____________________ _/ __|__\__ . \__ |___\_ |_____\_ _ \_\ _ / _ /_ / \ / | / / / /____/ / \____ / / \____________\________/____\/ \____\/ \____________/ /-B- /_____/ | /_____/ /_____/ | /____/ | | Note from Azzaro: This huge piece of bytes seems to be a seocnd part of my history called "Fairytale". Previous one was presented an year ago under the Floppy label ("Fairytale", Gravity`97) and here you have the sequel. It`s all designed from the start to end by me and contains visible effect of 7 months (Feb`98-Aug`98) of really hard work assembled finally and presented on those first elite-only party here in Poland. "Absolon" was mainly designed for working on standard 68k based processors, but due some reasons we move it all into the PowerPC base. This power allow us to spread our wings and do the job really better. All 3-d scenes modelled by Zoltan contains at least 7.000 textured and lightsourced faces on the screen at one moment and still works with a full speed. Also - new Noe`s engine allows us to include effects aren`t implemented in Amiga version of LightWave like volumetric lights and some others. This makes me happy, because i can direct the best producing team here in Poland and i can visialize many more of my ill imaginations... | | | Hope You all guys who gots the PPc turbo board in Your Amiga will be sattisfied after watching this production. We worked so hard on it but it`s not the end. Wait for more high-end scene productions from us... | | | | WARNING: end scroll will work only if lo resolution is selected (320x200). Sorry for this, but there was no time to work on it. | | | __| | \ / |__________________________\· .___________________________. | | ___ ___ | ___ .__ ___ | ___ ___ .____) /_ .____) /_ ._|__) /_ .____| /_ .____) /_ |____) /_ .____) /_ | ___ /_! ___ /_! . /_! | /_! ___ /_! ____/_! /_. |_ _/ __|_ \__/ _|_ | _ _|_ ! _|_ \__/ _|_____ __|____ ____| /___|___\ /_______\ /_____\_\ /_______\ /_______\ /_______\ /____\ | wBr_ R E Q U I R E M E N T S | | hardware] - Amiga with PowerPC processor; - 32 mbytes of fastram; | | | | | software] - Ppc.library; | - Dbplayer.library; | - Xpk packet; | - Ahi >v4.0 | | _| |__________________________\· ___________________________. .\ | | | |_____________________ | |/ | | ____ . | r e s p e c T. __| | _______ |. \| | | .. ____· _) __ /____| |__| _____ _____ |_||/ .| | ___/ | ___ | .|_| ____)_____| ___ )___| |__ _____ _____ |---)______| _____| |______ | _____|. ___ | |_( |____| )__ |__________|__________|_______| | _____| | _____| | ____| [ aCid/k0 ]-------------+-------------------|__________|__________|________|-- | | amnesty - anadune - appendix - dcs - endzeit - floppy haujobb - monar - mystic - nahkolor - phasetruce - venture | | a n d s o m e o t h e r s | | | | | | | | | | |_____________ __ | · // _| [c] link124 /______________\· ascii by azzaro, acid, budgie and woober/arcade............
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