despair by Potion
short: "Despair" an new music disk by Potion uploader: author: & type: demo/sound ______ __/ / __ .-. __ \ _ /_______/ /_____| |_________/ /_____ _\ '_/ _ _ __/ _`-'_ _ _ /_ .-----------\ \____'___/__`____/___\___'___/__\_____/-----------. | \____\. . | |_ ! p o t i o n ! _| ./ ! ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ ! \. | ! p r e s e n t s ! | | ¯ ¯ | | a m u s i c d i s k | | | | c a l l e d | | | | " D E S P A I R " | | | | .oOo. | | | | music:...............................................tZx | | ................................& hospitably NOISy ABDUL | | code:..............................................mAVEy | | gfx:..............................................nELSOn | | | | .oOo. | | | | | | Requires: A1200. o2o. 4 mb. | | Recommended: A1200. with o4o. | ! |_ _| ./ \. | _____ __ .-. __ | | _/ _ /_______/ /_____| |_________/ /_____ | `-----------_\ '_/ _ _ __/ _`-'_ _ _ /_-----------' \____\____'___/__`____/___\___'___/__\_____/ '2000 . . . . fAr . .
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