85 dollars by Mandarine [web]
#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> int a, b= 80 *25 ,c= 0; void main (){ char p[ 2003 ];FILE *F=fopen ( __FILE__,"rb") ; fread (p ,1, b,F);;fclose (F); typedef CHAR_INFO ci;ci*q=new/**/ci [b];while (1){for(c=0;c<333 ;){float n=3.1416*(1+float(c++)/666) ,y=25,x=80;while(x>0&&y> 0){int/**/g=(int)y*80+ /*asx*/ x,d=clock()/100&1; q[g].Char .AsciiChar=54;d=fmod( n, 0.2)>= 0.1?d:!d;q[g].Attributes=d ?204:0;x+=cos(n);y+=sin(n);}}for(a=270;a<b;)if (p[a++]>32){*(char*)&q[a]=p[a];q[a].Attributes =0;}SMALL_RECT/*stil*/sr={0,0,80,25};COORD m={80,25},o={0,0};WriteConsoleOutput( GetStdHandle( -11 ), q,m,o ,&sr ) ; } } MANDARINE 2003 present ~ 85 Dollars ~ Music & Demopajing by med Gfx by sacri/Move Recommended configuration : LOL Special thanks to Guardian/Osmium for compiling the thing, and Cassios for the $$$ & the car. Thx for memon/moppi for his help.
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