Fistpig by Spaceballs [web] & Ephidrena
FistPig - An Amiga 4k intro released at Assembly 2003 Loaderror / Ephidrena - Sound engine and music Slummy / Spaceballs - Visual effects ..nothing in this intro looks like it was supposed to... ..Slummy won't release anything on Amiga for quite a while now... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This 4k features: ----------------- Full 3d-engine with X&Y-clipping, truecolor additive stencilmapping and a "point at"-camerasystem with rubberband physics. Hyperbolic glow-filter (medium precision) Texturegenerator producing 3 monotone and 3 dualblended textures. Giving a total of 6 256*256 pixels truecolor 18-bit textures, amounting to a total size of 1.5 megabytes. Two simple 3d object/scene-generators. Sound engine: - Infinite polyfonism - Overdrive - Drum Synth with 65536 possible sounds - Tunable lowpass filtered delay/feedback - One-pole IIR lowpass filter - Additive and fm synthesis - variable frequency phaser/flanger/doubler - convolution effects - 3 waveforms: sine, square, saw. - 8 track sequencer with looping to save space. - Multilayered portamento effects - Resonance If the song was rendered to disk rather than realtime mixed in hardware, the total filesize would amount to 92 megabytes of raw sampledata.
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