The Story of Josef K. and the Cathodic Guillotine
Josef K and the cathodic guillotine | the ugly demo 1.0 Creator: ixistenz/la1n System: Amiga Content: The demo is an ironic trip through the history of computer myths and heroes, always under the guillotine of the cathodic ray. Story: Josef K is on the road as a hero and fights against many enemies such as Oberon or the Pascalian desert. In the end, he is enlightened, throws his clothes into the copper and prays. This allows him to see behind the curtain of the control room, but he messes things up and is killed by Lord VSYNC. TypeOfDemo: This is also a research demo. The question: Why demos are always 'good' designed? Why there is not much story in games? Why is there not more SourceCode in demos? Language: Assembly VisualStudioCode: Amiga Assembly Code&Visuals: la1n Music: Computermusiker Source: Included in the demo Greetings: SCA, RWerner, CHaller, Jespersen, Depeche, Presole, Unlock, Shana, Dipswitch Documentation: Web:
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