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Under the Sycamore Trees by Desire [web]

Under the Sycamore Trees by Desire

A 6000 bytes invitation to the

    68k Inside 2025 Party

      and a tribute to

      David Lynch, RIP

Released at GERP 2025, Skövde.

Platon42 - code, music (cover), graphics (30 years old font)

Angelo Badalamenti - original Twin Peaks theme

No AI was involved in making this production.

MC68000, OCS, 512 KB Chip.

Additional Credits
Virgill - AmigaKlang, some AKlang instruments
Teo - some AKlang instruments
a/b - original sine table code
Leonard - LightSpeedPlayer (micro)
Blueberry - Shrinkler

PS: I know that there are no Sycamore trees in Hämeenlinna
(only in the very south of Finland) and that the trees
called "Sycamore" are not the same across the continents,
but just imagine they were.

PPS: Every day, once a day, give yourself a present,
like going visiting a demo party.

PPPS: This was supposed to be a 4 KB thing, but then you
would only have had the music and the road. Too boring.

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