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HGFX NICCC by Lanex [web]


        STNICCC 2000 remake for the eLeMeNt ZX computer

                      (C) 2022 by Lanex
       soundtrack:  "Third Ethernal Wind" by Cj Splinter


    *  6 channels TurboSound (two AY/YM soundchips) 
    *  80 colours
    *  resolution of 256 * 192 pixels 
    *  planar graphics at 7 bitplanes
    *  HGFX Fill and Chunky modes


  This demo is based  on a powerful  3D animation  engine, that 
supports up to 256 colours.

  The presentation time  is always  the same  at different  CPU
speeds. The creation of three-dimensional graphics is carefully
  At a speed of 3.5 MHz,  83% of all frames are displayed. 
  100% of frames are presented With a 7 MHz Z80-CPU.


  The  ***eLeMeNt ZX***  is a modern advanced ZX Spectrum based 
on the real classic Z80-CPU.  This machine  is fully compatible
with popular ZX Spectrum models, clones and enhancements.



  The HGFX-NICCC demo and a variety of software for ZX Spectrum
and compatibles with add-ons like

     - AY/YM, TurboSound and SAA1099 soundchips,
     - General Sound and Z80-DMA (Datagear) interfaces,
     - Gigascreen, KeyLayer, Timex, ULA+, HiResColour HRC/HRXC
       and HGFX graphic modes,
     - DivSD, divIDE and divMMC storage and memory devices,
     - MB02+ and ***MB03+ Ultimate*** expansions

can be run in the ***LnxSpectrum*** emulator.



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