elusive by bypass [web]
bypass elusive 4k -- supah - audio shader warp - visual shader, intro code -- Small little something for deadline 2023. Back at a demoparty after 17 years, we wanted to bring you some more cubes. <3 You will need a WebGPU-capable browser, like Chromium/Chrome (version 113 or higher), Firefox Nightly or something similar. Please use the '--allow-file-access-from-files' option for Chrome or start a local webserver (python3 -m http.server) in the intro directory. Special thanks to Jason Rampe and the CA community for sharing their work. FWIW, we did some small tools for this 4k: https://github.com/mgnauck/wgslminify https://github.com/mgnauck/js-payload-compress -- Greeting to our old and new friends in the demoscene: 0b5vr ASD Calodox Cocoon Conspiracy Deadline orga team Excess Fairlight Farbrausch <3 Haujobb Holon Inque LJ Logicoma Loonies Madwizards mikucom mfx Nuance Prismbeings Replay Rootkids Still Spcaeigs Suburban
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