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Timur Lenk by Spaceballs [web] & Ephidrena

Timur Lenk

a 4k intro by Spaceballs & Ephidrena
Released at Breakpoint 2003

Loaderror / Ephidrena	. softsynth
			. music
			. textureparameters

Slummy / Spaceballs	. effects
			. texturegenerators
			. objectgenerators

Additional code:	. c2p-converter by Rune Stensland (sp / contraz)
			. cruncher by Tim B╓scke (Azure)

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We talked about this intro for three quarters of a year, but in the end
it had to be yet another superrushed production coded in 3 days...
Still, we're better than YOUR sorry ass...

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We like people who give us stuff, so greetings go out to:

Leia for borrowing Slummy the cash for his planeticket to Breakpoint.

Gloom for borrowing Slummy his 060.

Mormors Stuer for providing the beer&atmosphere that stopped us from 
doing any real work on this production.

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