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Pulsating Magic Orb by Brainlez Coders!

# Pulsating Magic Orb - TIC-80 512b intro - LoveByte 2022

This repository contains the unpacked source for the TIC-80 512b intro
"Pulsating Magic Orb", made by pestis / brainlez Coders! and released at
LoveByte 2022 512b compo.

Capture: https://youtu.be/hpQp0yHTgVs

Tested with TIC-80 0.90.1723, packed with
[pactic](https://github.com/phlubby/pactic). pactic should pack it down
to 512 bytes. Remember to add -c option.

Fibonacci sphere algorithm is great, even when you use 2.4 as
2*pi/golden ratio ;)

Greets: superogue, psenough, havoc, jobe, pactic authors, bytebattlers
and nesbox.

License: [MIT](LICENSE)

![Screenshot of the intro](screenshot.png)
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